Chapter Sixteen: So God Damn Close

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I made it fast to the apartment. My fingers wrapped around the golden door knob, shivers ran up and down my skin from the last time I was here. No one was inside, but I had a weapon on me just incase. I began to explore. I saw a notebook, it had pages and pages of tallies, but one name in bold.


Right above was a photo. It was the Governor, his wife Maria and I am guessing Penny.She looked about 10,and had long brown hair with a sweet smile. I looked around at the apartment. The pain from the inside these walls. The awful memories. That disgusting pig's god damn face.

A large bump from behind a wooden door got my attention. I walk over and kick the door down. My eyes widen at the sight.

The wall had tanks on it, filled with heads....that were still moving. My eyes wander downward and I saw my walker boys. Then a thud came again, and I turned my head. It was a cage. I lift my dagger up ready to pounce. I slowly got close and opened the door. The figure came towards me and I quickly disarmed my self.

"Oh my god..." I whisper in shock. I knew he was sick and twisted but this was a whole new level. It was a little girl. She wore a long red rose colored dress with a pink sweater. The sweater had her arms tided like a straight jacket and a bag was over her head. She began to walk towards me.

"It's okay, I'm gonna get you outta here." I tell her. "I won't hurt you."

She begins to walk into my arms.

"Come on, Come on sweetheart, I got you." I said softly. She stopped once I had my hands on her arms. I look behind her, and internally growled. She had something around her neck that was attached to a chain. I Unhook it and face her again. I slowly remove her hood, only to have her snarl at me when it comes off.

She was a walker.

I back up in surprise. But I knew the face. It was The girl in the photo.


I turn her around and pick up my dagger to put her out of her misery. Before I could stab her in the head, I heard a gun clock.

"NO!" I turn to see the Governor with a gun aimed at me. I turned so the girl was in front of me, and facing him. "Don't hurt her."

I look at the girl then back at him. He raises arms and slowly puts down the gun.

"Look. Hey." He says as he puts it back in the holster and comes closer. He removes his belt to disarm him. I flinch at his movements. "It's me you want. There's no need for her to suffer."

"She doesn't have needs." I growl. "She is dead."

"She does! She...She like her mother, please." He begs. He comes closer and closer. "Don't hurt my little girl, our little girl."

I shiver at his words, then ram my dagger through her skull.

"NO!" He screams and lunges.

He pins me against the cage door and starts to beat me in the face. I jump and push my legs off the wall, sending both me and him over his leather seat. He straddles me, and has his hands around my throat as he screams. I get my arm free and punch him, knocking him off me. I stand up and kick him in the ribs. Over and Over again

"I'm not yours." I growl. I go to kick him again, but he grabs my foot and pulls me, so I slam into the cage door again. I stand up, and he grabs my face. He starts to slam my head against the wall. I bite his thumb hard, making him scream out in pain. I tasted his blood in my mouth. He took my head and slammed it into the walker tanks. Some heads fell but one was right next to me, and start to try and nip me. 

I pull away, and hold onto the other tanks. I end up pulling them with me. Glass shatters on the ground as well as water. He grabs me by the throat, pinning my arms so I couldn't move. He brought me closer and closer to a walker's face. Before He could bite me. I moved my elbow into his face and crawled to my dagger. I got so close but He warp his arm around my throat and pulled me back.

"No Maria. You won't leave me." He whispered as I began to lose oxygen. My finger tips almost grabbed the handle. I looked to my right and reached for the tank shard. IT was becoming harder and harder to breath. I reached again and wrapped my hand around the blade. It cut my hand but I kept going. I wiggled it free, Then launched into his face. HE screamed in pain. I ripped out the glass and looked.

I got his eye.

"You bitch! I'll kill you!" He screamed. I grabbed my dagger. I was about to stab him in the head, when something collided with my skull.

And I got knocked out....again.

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