Chapter Seventeen: The Pit

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My head ached from the shouts and the thing that hit me. The lights blinded me and all I heard was cheering and screaming. My ribs shook in pain when I tried to move. So I'm guessin' more broken ribs, and other beating markers I haven't figured out yet. And I'm still in Woodbury.


It then suddenly became very quiet as footsteps came closer to me.

"What Can I say?" It was The Governor's voice. "Hasn't been a night like this since the walls were completed. And I thought we were past it...past the days when we all sat, huddled, scared in front of the TV during the early days of the outbreak. The Fear we all felt then, we felt it again tonight."

"I failed You." Cause you're a dick. "I promised to keep you safe. Hell, look at me. All due to this girl!"

The bag came off and I was shoved into the ground. My hands were bound and I looked up to see a who lot of pissed off people.

"You Know, I...I shout be telling you that we'll be okay, that we're safe, that tomorrow we'll bury our dead and endure, But I...I won't. Because I can't. Because I'm afraid. That's right. I'm afraid of Terrorists who want what we have. Want to destroy us! And worse....because one of those one of our own."

The crowd shocks and gasps. He points to Merle.

"Merle...The man I counted on, The man I trusted.  He let this bitch in here with these terrorists! After we gave them food and shelter!" He shouts and kicks me. "She led them here! With his help! And he let 'em in."

Merle is completely disarmed, and looks at me with pity.

"It was you. You lied, betrayed us all!" I hear more feet moving, I looks slightly as I am curled up into a ball. Another person with a hood on his head. They push Merle into the middle, and they bring the hooded man into the ring. They stand in front of me.

"This is one of the Terrorists Mikayla brought here!" The Governor shouted and ripped off the hood. "Merle's own brother!"

The looks on the Dixon boys' faces hurt. They both thought they never would see each other again. And now they have, its in a horrible time. Daryl stumbled out of his grip. He looked at Merle, then Andrea...then down at me.

"Mik!" He goes to see me but The Governor doesn't let him and The Governor picks me up, his arm was around my waist.

"What should we do with them, Huh?" He shouts to the crowd.

"Kill them!" They say. they scream it louder and louder. He then walks over to Merle.

"You wanted your brother. Now you got him." He then turns to the crowd. "WHO FIRST!"

"THE GIRL!!!" They all scream. Dare looks at me wide eyed. The spanish guy and black guy pull the boys away, Dare fighting them every second. The Governor puts his arms up and everyone is silent.

"You brought harm to our town, when we gave you safety."

"You are a disgusting ra-" I start, only to have him punch me in the face. I sit out the blood and roll onto my back.

"I ain't gonna kill ya. Instead, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you. Then watch your boys go." He announced. He whistled and men came out of nowhere.

Steel toed boots landed into my side, knuckles collided with my cheeks. Blood splattered around the dirt ground, people cheered and cheered. I could hear Daryl shouting at them. But My eyes always glanced at Andrea. She just sat there, in shock. But did nothing.

After forever the whistle came back, and I was pulled away. Everything hurt. They put the boys in the center and The spanish guy put his foot to my back and kept it there so I couldn't move.

Time for a game...

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