Chapter Thirty-Eight: Pity Party

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My head ached as I slowly became conscious. Daryl was gone, which didn't surprise me. It stayed till I fell asleep. Hopefully someone let Merle out. It would suck if they didn't....or it could be good.

I swung my feet to touch the scratchy concrete. My body felt like jello. Too much emotion at once. My eyes felt as if they were stuck closed from the crying. I felt over all gross.

"Good, you're awake." I looked up to see Michonne. Her Katana was on her back as usual, and her gloves were on ready to work. "We got work to do."

"Work?" I groaned as I stood up. "But that requires effort."

"I let you sleep later than usual." Michi pointed out. "Come on, get your lazy ass out."

"But Michi...." I whined as she dragged me out of the cell. "I don't want to deal with anyone today."

It was true. I didn't want a giant pity party at my feet. I need life to move on, and keep going. Dwelling on one moment won't do anyone good.

"Good thing we are just dealing with the dead." Michonne huffed. "I wanna get a head start on clear the fields. We need to work on defending this place."

Michonne hands me my daggers and a small protein bar. I take a bite and smirk at Michonne.

"So, you want to fix this place?" I question. "What happened to our lone wolf going thing?"

"Shut up." She mutters with a grin. I throw my hands up in innocence.

"Ooo, I feel so threatened." I chuckle.

"You will When I find another bee for you." Michi shot at me as she walked down the dark corridors. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Eh, that is a serious thing to be afraid of! They fucking hurt man!" I shout after her.


It was gross out today. Me and Michi have been examining the perimeter and killing walkers through the fence for over four hours. It was blazing hot, and I felt a farmer's tan forming. Sweat drenched both me and Michi. She keep her shirt on, but I took mine off. I left my self in a sports bra and tucked my tank top in my jeans. 

I knew that the others tried not to look my way. My scars of my past gleamed in the sunlight. I didn't care. It was too damn hot out, and I won't let that bitch take another thing from me. 

Merle was cracking jokes earlier, and start whistling at my half naked self. Daryl kept himself in the guard tower and distant himself from everyone. Well, to a certain extent.

Mason and Ava were learning more about protecting themselves. Merle has been showing them how to throw knives, and shoot. The kids aren't actually firing the guns, just learning how to if needed. Carl almost joined in but Rick gave the look of disapproving first.

So the girls have been showing Daryl what they learned, and Mason is now on watch with him. Does he love it? Nope, but he got to deal.

"You girls have been working yourselves too hard." I turn to see Carol and Hershel with water. I removed my blade from the dead's brain and made my way over to them.

"Hey, someone's gotta do something. Plus I get a nice tan from this." I joke. Carol hands me a water bottle that I drink greedily with. "Michonne has actually got a plan we can do tomorrow. It will help fortify this place, and clear out the dead."

"You both have done a lot for us." Hershel said. "We greatly appreciate it."

"Well, we are all stuck in the same boat together. So why not." I tell him. It was weird, as if he wasn't expecting us to stay. "I mean, it isn't like we are leaving any time soon."

"Very true, but I didn't expect this much from you two considering recent events." Hershel explained. I rolled my eyes and harshly handed the water back.

"I don't need a fucking pity party." I snapped. "Now, I'm actually get some work done and not sit on my ass if you don't mind."

I quickly left. I don't need a fucking pity party. There is too much to worry with now. Fuck them for acting like I was a china doll.

They act like it is all gonna be good and perfect. A war is coming unless shit is takin' care of.

And I know the one redneck that will actually do something.

I am so sorry for such a late update.
I got a Concussion, then my mom got heavy duty surgery.
Then I started to fall behind in school.
I am trying guys I really am.
Please don't be mad at slow updates.
I work five days a week and got to college.
Please understand.

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