Green Pickles Pt1

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Here's the next chapter, I just had to finish it before going to bed. Anyway I hope you enjoy this one. My pal Celrock didn't give me the idea for this chapter, but that's ok I still give credit to her for all the ideas she's given me in past chapters and more to come. Don't forget to check out Celrock's stories too and leave a review here of what you think. Anyway enjoy the story

A few days later Tommy and the other babies were playing outside in the front yard with Spike and Spiffy as they noticed a truck, a moving truck, going to a house, the same one Dil had went to get cookies from, across the street from Tommy, Dil, Phil, and Lil's homes.

"Hey Tommy look, it's one of those trucks that comes when somebodys moving, like when Susie moved here's." Lil said

"That's the house I gots the cookies from before Tommy leg got broked." Dil said

The babies watched as the truck stopped as the movers opened the truck and started bringing stuff inside the house.

"I wonder who lives theres." Tommy wondered as he watched

The movers then started taking baby furniture and toys out of the truck, like a crib, dolls, etc. as they brought that inside.

"Hey those are toys and a crib, that means whoever lives there's has a baby that's like us." Tommy said

"Yeah and since they haves a crib the musts be one toos." Dil said

Meanwhile as the movers were moving in stuff and the babies were watching, the babies weren't the only ones that noticed the new neighbors. Didi and Betty noticed them too as they were watching the babies.

"Well would you lookie there Didi the new neighbors finally arrived." Betty said

"Oh well maybe we should go say hello," Didi said

Didi and Betty then took the babies across the street to the new neighbors home as they walked up the walkway to the open door.

"Hello anyone home?" Didi asked as she and Betty looked around

"Excuse me ma'am," One of the movers said as the two movers brought some more things in.

Just then an African American woman who looked about her late 20's, maybe 30 years old walked in the room as she saw Didi, Betty, and the babies.

"Oh hello, you must be some of the neighbors that live here in the neighborhood." The woman said

"Yes hello I'm Didi Pickles, and this is Betty DeVille. We live right across the street," Didi said introducing Betty and herself

"Nice to meet you I'm Ebony Green," Ebony said as she looked down at the babies"I see you brought some little ones,"

"Ah yes, Tommy and Dil here are mine," Didi said looking at Dil, who was in her arms, and Tommy who was holding her hand.

"The twins are mine, and the other little pups are just over to play." Betty said

"They're all adorable." Ebony smiled looking at them "Hello little ones,"

"Hi," The babies said, except only Kimi and Chuckie's words could be made out.

"I have a daughter of my own, her name is Savannah. Come on, you can put your kids in the playpen with Savannah over there in the living room, my husband should be putting stuff away in the kitchen." Ebony said as Didi and Betty then took the babies over to the playpen as they sat the babies in the play pen.

Savannah, who was playing with a ball in the playpen heard everything as Didi and Betty put the babies in the playpen as they went with Ebony.

"Hi, I'm Savannah. What's your guyses names?" Savannah asked

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now