The Haunted Shopping Mall Pt 1

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Hello hello everyone! Happy first week of December! Hope you're all doing well. Here's the next chapter as we move on to the next story within this series of stories. Hope you all enjoy!

It was another average day for the Rugrats group as they found themselves strapped in their carseats in the back of the Pickles' minivan on their way to the local mall. Seeing as the months would only fly by from here on out, the moms all planned an outing to take the kids to start shopping for new clothes and shoes to wear, especially since some were seeming to outgrow their old pairs. Of course, not wanting the two youngest of the group to feel left out of the excursion, Ebony ended up tagging along to take Dil and Savannah around the mall to places like the toy store and indoor playground to keep them preoccupied. It wasn't long before Didi had arrived and parked the minivan in a spot in the parking lot outside the mall. Climbing out, the moms began helping the kids out of their carseats one by one before heading inside the store. Of course, the main older group of Rugrats immediately recognized the location, seeing as it was a place they had previously visited thinking their moms were there to sell them.

"Oh no, you don't thinks our mommies are here to tries and sells us again, do you?" Lil asked

"Nah, I don't thinks so, I hearded my mommy say that they were just going to gets us new clothes and shoes and stuffs so we have new stuffs to wear, especially when we goes to preschool." Kimi answered, calming her friends nerves

"But what's wrong with the clothes we haves now?" Chuckie asked, looking down at his blue sweatshirt he had been wearing for the past year.

"I don't think it has to do with what's wrong with our clothes nows, it's just we're about to get even biggerer which means we're gonna need biggerer clothes." Tommy explained, trying to hopefully calm Chuckie's own nerves about the situation

"Well, I guess that makes sense. My shoes are kinda making my feet feel all squishered and it doesn't really feel that good." Chuckie commented, looking down at his shoes.

"Your shoes could probably fits Tommy by nows since he's a lot biggerer." Phil joked

"Maybe so, but we probably shouldn't be switching shoes. I member hearing Angelica's daddy saying something one time that if you put on someone else's shoes you become just likes them." Chuckie replied

"I actually have to agrees with Chuckie on this one you guys, after having a nightscare where Angelica and Chuckie switcheded shoes and Chuckie ended up becoming like Angelica while Angelica became like Chuckie forever. I don't think I even wants to try that." Tommy commented, taking the rest of the group by surprise that, for once, Tommy fully agreed with Chuckie's idea of not following through with something.

"That must have been super scary if it meant that even you don't wants to do it, Tommy." Dil commented

Meanwhile, the moms were finishing up discussing the plan they had for the mall visit, agreeing that they'd meet over in the food court at lunch time.

"Food court at lunch, sounds great." Ebony said with a nod, setting an alarm on her watch to go off around lunch to alert her. The beeping of the watch caught Samayah, who was in a baby carrier on Ebony's chest, attention as she began to giggle in delight at the sound of the watch.

"If you need anything, you'll know where to find us." Didi said, leaning down to give Dil a kiss on the forehead after Ebony finished strapping him into the seat next to Savannah of the double stroller she had brought along. "Now you be good for Ebony, sweetie."

Dil babbled in response which, of course, the other babies understood as him replying that he would be good. Soon the groups went their separate ways as Tommy waved goodbye to Dil as he and the rest of his friends went with Didi, Betty, and Kira to the Krudnick's clothing store located nearby.

"Alright you two, how about we head over to the toy store and see what they have?" Ebony suggested, taking the stroller handle and pushing it down the mall pathway

Walking past several shops and stores within the mall, Ebony took the stroller over to the elevator as she rolled the stroller inside and hit the elevator button. Soon the doors closed as the elevator made its way up to the second floor. Making her way out of the elevator, Ebony began making her way towards the toy store. Savannah and Dil could only look in awe as Ebony turned into the decently sized store filled with various toys that lined the shelves.

"Wow, look at all the toys!" Dil exclaimed in excitement

"I never explected a place like this to have a toy store this big." Savannah added in

Taking in the view of the various toys around them, Savannah and Dil both continued babbling away about the various toys ranging from Goober, to Dora, even Reptar and the Dummi Bears. Seeing her daughter and friends' excitement, Ebony could only chuckle seeing how excited the two toddlers were as they walked around the store. However, Savannah and Dil's happy moment was soon interrupted when a doll on the shelf caught Dil's attention.

"Uh hey Savannah?" Dil began to ask

"Yeah?" Savannah questioned, turning to her friend

"Doesn't that dolly kinda really looks like Tommy?" Dil asked, pointing to the doll on the shelf next to him.

Shifting to get a better look, Savannah leaned forward to look at the doll. The doll had a similar head of hair to Tommy's, however the hair color was more of a blackberry color than purple, as it had an outfit of a red shirt and blue overalls much similar to what Tommy wore for a time after his second birthday. It even had the similar brown shoes on its feet, just like Tommy!

"Oh, it kind of does." Savannah replied

A look of concern crossed Dil's face as he recalled what Chuckie and Tommy mentioned a little while ago about switching shoes.

"What if...that doll is actually Tommy all acause the new shoes he gots were actually this dolly's shoes so he got turned into a doll acause of it?" Dil asked

"Dil that's the most craziest thing I've heards you come up with after thinking your brother turneded into a alieum!" Savannah exclaimed, shaking her head

"But it could be trues, I mean my mommy and the other mommies aside yours were taking everyone to get new clothes and shoes, that could just be Tommy in the new clothes and the shoes." Dil argued as Savannah let out a sigh, knowing this wasn't going to be easy to get out of Dil's head.

"Then let's go see for ourselves if that dolly is either really Tommy, or it's one that just happlens to look likes him." Savannah sighed, unbuckling the belt of her stroller seat

"Really, you wants to goes and dos that?" Dil questioned

"Well...yeah! Asides isn't Tommy the one that'd usually say somethings like we'd never knows until we finds out?" Savannah said, glancing up at her mom who was looking at some toy on the nearby shelf that Samayah seemed interested in, before climbing down from her seat.

"I guess you're right. Come on, lets go afore your mommy notices." Dil nodded, getting out of his seat as well as he picked up the doll to take with them.

Has Tommy really turned into a doll? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now