Changes Pt 1

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Im on somewhat of a roll so have yet another chapter! I would also like to say that we've officially made it to 90 chapters! The original goal for this fic was the 100 chapters at least before ending but I still have plenty of ideas so we're going to be going past my 100 chapter goal! I may make a new one but for now we'll just see how it goes. Anyway I have to give some credit to Celrock again as some of this was part of her idea once again.

Hope you all enjoy!

"Oh no! I don't wants to get attacked by the alieums too. I'd better hide!" Dil thought to himself, as he quickly crawled away from where Savannah and his older brother were playing, and crawled into Spike and Spiffy's doghouse, before his mommy could grab him.

Dil stumbled into the corner of the doghouse, shaking in fear, as the visions of the green alien with the syringe in his nightscare, flashed through his head.

"I'm not going to the doctors and im not going to gets a shot. " Dil thought to himself, as he heard his name being called by his mother's voice.

"Stu honey, have you seen Dil?" Didi called to her husband, who was off to the side of the patio in a lawn chair, reading the newspaper and sipping on some lemonade.

"Yeah, he was playing with Tommy and Savannah a few minutes ago." Stu replied, glancing up from his newspaper.

"Well he's gone! And we're going to be late for his appointment!" Didi said, glancing frantically around the yard.

Hearing his mother's distress, Tommy moved over to Savannah.

"We've gots to find where Dilly went to hide." Tommy said to Savannah, who stopped playing with her younger sister, to realize Dil was no longer playing with the ball.

"I'll help you looks. I'll check the bushes, and you check the doghouse." Savannah suggested.

"Good idea Savannah." Tommy said, as the two toddlers split off to look for him.

Sure enough, Tommy quickly found his brother in the back corner of the doghouse, looking very nervous.

"Come on Dil, you've gots to go to the doctors. Don't you wants to get your rooster shot and stay all nice and healthy?" Tommy asked, crawling closer to his brother.

"No!" Dil snapped, crossing his arms and turning around away from his brother only to slump his shoulders. "I just don't wants to get attacked by the alieums.".

"Dil, there are no alieums! It's gonna be ok, I gots the rooster shot when I was your age, and I was ascared at firstest, but then I gotted the shot and it wasn't that bad." Tommy said, patting his brother on the back.

Dil slowly turned around, wiping away the tears that were starting to form at the corner of his eyes with the back of his hand, staring up at his brother.

"Are you sure?" Dil asked, shakely.

"Yeah, you can trusts me Dil, everything's going to be ok." Tommy said, giving his brother a hug.

"Then why did you gets sick after you gotted back from the doctors and had a shot?" Dil asked.

"I don't knows, but I didn't gets sick after the firstest rooster shot when I metted Hector, and you're gonna be ok too. I'll even go with you!" Tommy said, helping his brother out of the doghouse as the two boys ran over to their mommy, who was standing by the back door.

"There you are, Dil! We've got to get going or we're going to be late!" Didi exclaimed, frantically scooping the one year old up into her arms.

As Didi turned and began to head for the side gate, Tommy raced up and tugged on the hem of her dress. Feeling the tug, Didi looked down to notice the purple headed toddler at her feet.

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now