Winter 'Lympics Pt 4

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Heyo everyone! Apologizes for getting this out so late to the point where it's basically Monday again, time got away from me while I was playing a video game for a couple hours. Anyway hope you all had a good weekend and I hope you all enjoy!

Once Timmy saw that the two teams were ready to go once again, he gave the signal for them to go once again as he skated back away from the two teams. Tanner got a hold of the ring first as he skated his way over to the goal, however Kimi quickly caught up and snatched the ring away with her own stick as Kimi made her way to the other side of the makeshift rink to try and score.

"And ooh looks like Kimi Finster gots a hold of the puck and is making her ways to the goal!" Teddy announced

Letting out a small gasp, Savannah tried to catch up with Kimi, hoping she could stop her before Kimi could attempt to score a goal. The race to stop Kimi was on as Savannah and Tanner both tried to stop the older toddler with Tanner catching up to finally block Kimi's way to the goal. Frowning, Kimi glanced over at Chuckie who was carefully moving across the ice trying not to fall as he slid up behind Tanner.

"Chuckie, catch!" Kimi called out to her brother as she hit the ring in Chuckie's direction

"But Kimi, I don't think I can dos this!" Chuckie said, nervously stopping the ring with his stick

"You can do it Chuckie, just get the ring in the goal!" Kimi called back

"It looks like Chuckie has the puck but Tanner is catching up and fast!" Teddy exclaimed

Seeing Tanner heading towards his direction, Chuckie made his way towards the goal. Phil was standing at the goal, prepared to block any shots with a determined look on his face. Stopping near the goal, Chuckie hesitated as he looked back to see Tanner catching up and fast. Looking between Tanner and Phil, Chuckie went to take the shot. However, he ended up slipping and falling forward before he finished hitting the ring causing it to go flying towards the goal.

"Uh oh." Phil muttered, trying to stop the ring by jumping to catch it before it passed by

Unfortunately, Phil wasn't quite fast enough as the ring landed and slid right past Phil giving Chuckie and Kimi a point.

"Goallll! That brings the score up to one for both teams!" Teddy announced again

"Yay! You dids it Chuckie!" Kimi cheered, sliding over to help her brother up from the ice

"I did?" Chuckie asked as Kimi helped him up, noticing the ring did get into the goal. "I did!"

Chuckie beamed happily as he was proud that he got a point for him and Kimi.

"Lucky shot..." Tanner muttered

"Oh don't get your diapies in a bunch yet, we still can wins." Savannah reassured the red head

Meeting back in the center of the ring, the teething ring was put into place once more as Timmy gave the signal once again. The next two rounds of the match had a lot of back and forth between the two teams but eventually lead to each of the teams gaining another goal putting them neck and neck with two points each. Lining up for the final round that would determine the winner of the ice hockey portion of the match and who got to compete with Tommy and Dil in the final round of the 'Lympics.

"This is it folks, this last round will determine who moves on and who's out for the rest of the game!" Teddy bellowed out

Getting into position for the final round, both groups of toddlers looked determined to win this final match. Timmy held up his hand getting ready to give the signal as he placed the ring down. With the ring in place, Timmy gave the okay as the final round began! It again turned into a game of back and forth for a little while with some close calls being blocked by each DeVille twin at their own personal goals. Tanner currently had the ring as he was making yet another attempt towards Lil and the goal to try and score only to be cut off by both Kimi and Chuckie.

"Tanner, I'm open over here!" Savannah called out on Tanner's left behind Kimi

Hearing his teammate call out the opening, he didn't hesitate to pass over the ring to Savannah. Grinning, Savannah took the ring as she continued the rest of the way to the goal as Lil stood ready to block. Not skipping a beat, Savannah hit the ring towards the makeshift goal as Lil dived to block and stop it only to be slightly off in her timing. The ring slid past the goal line setting off the imaginary buzzer that indicated a win.

"Savannah Green and Tanner McNulty win the game!" Teddy bellowed out in the mic

With the game coming to an end, so did the imaginary sequence each of the kids were having as the other McNultys along with Tommy and Dil cheered for Savannah and Tanner who gave each other a high five.

"We dids it! We won!" Savannah exclaimed happily

"Yeah! Now we gets to compete in the final game." Tanner said, beaming in delight

Everyone gathered back on the lake side in the snow, with Chuckie quickly sprinting off not too long after, as Kimi came to congratulate the two babies.

"Congrats you two, I had lots of fun! Chuckie says congrats to, he woulda said it himself but all that sliding and moving around made him have to go potty." Kimi giggled

"Thanks, Kimi! I had lots of fun too!" Savannah replied

Stepping up to the group, Timmy whistled to silence the group of kids as they all turned his attention to him.

"Alright, since Tanner and Savannah are the winners, that means they're going to get to play in the final 'Lympics game with the Pickles kids. This last game will determine who's not only the bestest but also the winner of the Winter 'Lympics overall!" Timmy explained as he paced in front of the group

"What's the latest game?" Kimi asked

"I was getting to that! The last game of the 'Lympics will be... the bathyalon! Each team will be competing in a relay race but this is not just any relay race. First one of you two babies will have to run down the playground sidewalk all the way over to the playset and tag your partner. Then your partner will have to climbs all the way to the top where one of my brothers will be waiting and, taking one of our nerf guns they'll be waiting with, go down the slides and the firstest baby from the team to get one of the darts on the rocking horsey will be the winner of the 'Lympics!" Timmy said as he explained the gist of the final event to the two teams before asking a follow up, "Do you babies got all that?"

"Loud and near, Timmy!" Tanner called out

The other three all babbled in agreement as well leaving Timmy satisfied to move on.

"Good, now you all wait here and we'll come get you when we're ready to start the race." Timmy commanded as he ran off with his brothers, with the exception of Tanner of course, followed behind.

How will the final event of the 'Lympics go? Find out next time

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