Brothers Need Each Other Pt 4

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Heyo everyone! Here's that second chapter. It didn't take too long to complete seeing as I started writing upon completion of the previous chapter and just decided to post both at the same time. Hope you all enjoy! Thanks again to Celrock for the ideas that made this and many of my other chapters possible.

Back over at the playground, Savannah and Dil were having a fun time on the playset. At first with both of them taking turns going down the slide for a while. After that they had begun playing a game of explorers as they both crawled through the playset tunnel that led up to the taller slides.

"If we makes it through this cave, we'll be able to finds the losted city and all the missing toys!" Savannah exclaimed excitedly, continuing her way through the tunnel

Dil was following behind her, partially lost in his own thoughts. Sure, he loved playing explorers with Savannah but it also reminded him of Tommy once again. Of course, Savannah noticed that Dil seemed distracted which had the black haired toddler wondering what was on the other toddler's mind.

"Are you okays, Dil?" Savannah asked

"Oh! Uh yeah I'm fine, I was just well..thinking about Tommy and how you knows he loves to play explorers and stuffs. And I kind of wish he were heres toos." Dil replied after snapping out of his thoughts

"I'm sure you'll gets to see him laterer when we goes home, asides maybe you two should say sorry. Tommy for taking your toothy ring and you for knocking him downs." Savannah suggested

"Yeah...I think I'll dos that when we goes home." Dil agreed with a nod

"Come on, we don't have to keep playing splorers, we can go play in the leaves." Savannah said, leading Dil back down the playset

"Yeah, okay." Dil nodded again, following behind Savannah as they made their way towards the leaves

Savannah didn't like seeing her best friend being so down due to what had happened earlier that morning, but it also wasn't easy to keep Dil's mind off of Tommy. They were normally very close and got along well for the most part just like how she was with her own sister. She did hope they would get a chance to make up with each other the next chance they got.

Over with Tommy and Stu, Stu had finally pulled into the parking lot of their next location they were off to: The movie theater! Stepping out of the driver's seat, Stu then helped Tommy out of the car. Making their way to the front entrance, Stu made his way to the line for the window. Looking around, Tommy quickly spotted the Reptar poster for the current Reptar movie showing as he beamed in excitement. Soon it was Stu's turn at the window as he asked the worker for two tickets.

"Two tickets for the Reptar in Space movie." Stu said, taking out his wallet

Paying for the tickets, Stu then lead Tommy inside where he got Tommy a small kid's size movie snack box with some popcorn and a reptar bar along with some fruit punch in a kid's cup. Tommy could hardly contain his excitement as he and Stu found the theater with the Reptar movie being shown.

"This looks like a good spot." Stu said, finding a spot a couple rows up of the seats to sit

Climbing into the chair himself, Tommy babbled happily as Stu took a seat next to him, placing their drinks in the seat holders and then handing Tommy the kid snack box.

"Are you excited to see the Reptar movie, champ?" Stu asked

"Yay, Reptar!" Tommy cheered

After a few more minutes passed with parents and children settling into their seats, the lights dimmed as the previews finally began playing for the movie. After one or two previews had passed by, soon a preview for a new Goober movie had come up. Now, of course, Tommy didn't care for Goober but he knew his brother very much did. Again, Tommy was saddened that his brother wasn't there to see yet another thing he'd enjoy, as he let out a small sigh. He shouldn't have gotten so upset, after all he did take Dil's toothy ring first without asking. He knew he had to apologize the exact moment he got to see Dil again and he was going to do just that when he got the chance. Tommy was cut away from his thoughts the exact moment the previews had finally ended and the movie began.

Before long, an hour had passed as the movie was drawing close to its end. Tommy was both satisfied with the movie but also slowly growing sleepy due to being close to his normal nap time. Luckily he managed to finish getting through the movie barely staying awake to see the ending. As the credits rolled, Tommy climbed down from the chair and let out a yawn. Making their way out of the theater, Stu made sure to throw away their trash left over from the snacks.

"Alright champ, let's go." Stu said, taking Tommy's hand to leave the theater

Tommy, however, felt he was too tired to walk as he let out a whine of protest. Noticing Tommy's sudden refusal to move, Stu figured he was getting tired as he just scooped up Tommy into his arms and carried him to the car. After a short trip, Stu had arrived back home as they went inside the house. Despite being tired, Tommy did still want to apologize to Dil. He toddled his way to the living room, hoping to find his brother there, only to find the living room empty and quiet. In fact, it was quiet throughout the entire house, except from the sounds his dad was making while putting away his coat and keys. Letting out another yawn, Tommy knew he wanted to take a nap. It's not like he wouldn't see Dil later on, maybe after his nap he and their mom would be back.

"Sounds like someone is ready for a nap." Stu chuckled, overhearing Tommy's yawning

Picking up Tommy once again, Stu carried Tommy upstairs to lay him down for a nap. It didn't take too long, as Tommy finally drifted off to sleep.

Will Tommy and Dil get to apologize to each other? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now