Chapter 1

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It is about to be a crazy night in Boston! Me and the boys are going out before training camp starts this Monday and we are going out to get crazy!

I got dressed in the flyest outfit and found my way to my 2016 Mercedes- Benz AMG S63 that I picked up a few weeks ago. I drove a ways to pick up my buddy Chandler and we were on our way to the club to get completely faced tonight! When we got there, the club was packed, so many hot chicks and so many of my buddies on team were here to celebrate the last weekend of freedom until the off season after Super Bowl 50.

"Hey Rob, how's it going dude?" Julian said to me as he brought me into a hug.

"Pretty good! How about yourself?" I asked him while getting handed a drink.

"Pretty good, I'm so ready to get wasted tonight."

A group of us cheered before we started drinking. The lights in here were pretty cool. It was really dark so you could see them change colors to the beat of the music. The fog machine filled the air and gave the club a great atmosphere that honestly made my night even better.

It was a few hours into the night and it was now midnight. Even more people came and I started drinking a lot more and dancing a lot more. I could feel myself getting drunker and drunker after ever shot I took and my speech started to slur. But I wasn't the only one who was almost shit faced. Chandler, Danny, and Julian were just as bad as I was. We basically stayed together the entire time, but as the night went on, everything seemed to just go into a blur.

I was getting to the point in the night where I couldn't handle dancing and being as lit as I wanted to be. I was sitting at the bar drinking when I saw a really cute girl sit across the bar. She was with her friends and she had this really cute dress on. It wasn't form fitting, but you could tell her breast were large and her arms were toned. It was like she works out every day and then goes out on Saturday nights to treat herself. I began staring at her and ended up buying her a drink, she was beautiful. The way her olive skin and dark straight hair and hazel eyes popped as the lights at the bar reflects from her face was amazing.

She soon got the drink and I quickly looked away. I could see her in the corner of my eye and her friend hit her shoulder before asking the bartender who got the drink for her. He pointed to me and I saw her smile as she got up. I watched as she stumbled her way over to me and sat in the bar stool next to me trying not to fall.

"Did you buy me this?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I did actually." I told her as I drank from my glass.

"Are there crazy drugs in it?" She asked sort of excited.

"What? No, I just thought you were-- you were cute." I stuttered.

She smiled really big. "Awh, really?," she squealed, "thank you th'sooo much." She slurred.

I laughed. "No problem." I said.

She stared at me for a while before she replied. "Let's dance!" She yelled as she downed the drink I bought her and grabbing my hand.

I was confused for a second, but then I realized that she actually wanted to dance. Her body looked better than I thought, it was amazing. We danced for a while until it came time for her to sit down. She was all over the place, she could barley walk.

It was around 2 in the morning when we left. I had no idea where my friends went, but I had this random girl in my car. When we showed up at my house, she walked inside and started looking around. I have no idea who this girl is, why did I let her into my house? She followed me up the stairs and I crashed onto my bed. She laid next to me as she took her heels off and rubbed my chest. My eyes were closed because I wanted to sleep, but obviously she had different plans.

"Come on, let's have some more fun." She said excitingly.

"Like what?" I asked as I sat up.

"The good kind."

She bit her lip before crawling onto me and kissing my lips. She grabbed my dick and the only think I could think about was:

This is going to be one hell of a story.

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