Chapter 73

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"Is Chef Sydney burning something? Smelled it from all the way upstairs." Jimmy said as he walked down the stairs.

I uncomfortably laughed. "Uhh, I burned cinnamon rolls like 30 minutes ago, but I'm making more."

He laughed. "Good because they're my favorite."

I smiled. "So, how did you sleep?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I mean, good. But it was just weird I guess. Like sleeping alone is different when I'm on the road, just weird being in Boston alone. Haven't done that in a while, let alone in your house."

"It's all going to be okay Jimmy. You're a strong guy and we all know that. If I can go through literally the worst part of my life at 18 and flourish into an awesome butterfly, you will be able to get over this obstacle because that's who you are. Remember who you are, you're Jimmy Garoppolo, 2nd hottest New England quarter back, with nice eyebrows and mediocre dad jokes. You will figure it out, I know you will. You always have."

He laughed. "2nd hottest quarterback? Mediocre dad jokes? Are you trying to lift me up or roast me?"

I sighed. "I didn't mean it like that Jimmy."

"Haha, I know. But thanks for trying to cheer me up. Like honestly it means a lot, you have no idea. And thanks for letting me stay here, I know the kids are gone and I felt bad by ruining your one night alone with Noah. I just couldn't spare to see her."

"Jimmy, you don't have to apologize. You're always welcomed here. We just want you to be happy and take as much time as you need."

"I'm happy I have people like you here, it would suck if I didn't. Everyone knew Cara was angry at me yesterday, and even thought you and her have your difference, you and Noah still reached out and actually talked to me about it yesterday instead of just being brief and continuing with night."

"We just wanted to make sure everything was okay, that's all."

He nodded. "I can't thank you guys enough honestly. Despite the whole situation, there's a lot more going on and whether you know it all or not, you're still there for me and that's what makes makes me feel so much better about everything."

I looked at Jimmy because I could tell that he was really upset, way more than he was before. He started to tear up, which made me tear up too. I set the spatula down and walked over to the other side of the counter and gave him a hug.

"I love you so much. Don't ever hesitate to talk to me about anything. I'm always here for you no matter what, you know that."

"I love you too, thank you."

I let go and kissed the top of his head before hearing  Noah came down the stairs. Jimmy wiped his face as I let go.

"Morning guys." Noah said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Breakfast is almost done. I cooked your bacon the way you like this time."

"Should I be scared that you cooked breakfast two days in a row?"

I laughed. "No, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep is all." I said taking the cinnamon rolls out of the oven.

"Are you pregnant again or something?"

"You can starve if you want."

He laughed. "Gotcha."

We all ate and continued with our day. I ended up doing dishes while Jimmy and Noah got ready to do whatever they planned to do today before they both have to leave for practice around 3. I sat on the couch and watched some TV before they both came downstairs. Jimmy had his bags in his hands, dressed in his outfit for weights, as Noah did the same since he has to coach.

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