Chapter 11

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The past few weeks with Rob have been okay... Practices are hard because I feel bad when he messes up since I have to yell at him or make him run and I just feel bad. I mean everyone else goes through the same treatment, but it's different when it's someone you're close to. Plus it's really hard to be in a friendly-ish relationship with someone who you're not supposed to be with and trying to keep it a secret. I mean, a few people on the team know that we've hooked up, but no one of high authority, like Coach Belichick and my grandpa, know about it.

As a Patriot, it's strictly FORBIDDEN to date/ have affairs with people inside the organization. If anyone around hears or sees something going on and they report it to my employer, either I lose my job, or Rob loses his. Especially with me being the owners granddaughter, it's a big risk. I haven't talked to anyone about it except Cara and my mom because I knew they wouldn't say anything.

I am currently leaving practice by myself because Rob isn't talking to me. I'm not sure why, but he's just mad at me. This is the first time he's been mad at me and I don't know how to fix it, so I'm just ignoring him so that I don't add fuel to the fire.

"Sydney, wait up." I heard Rob say.

I turned around. "Yeah?" I asked

"I want you to keep this. Wear it to every game, I just want you to know that I care about you." He said handing me a bracelet.

"I don't understand."  I said questionable.

"Just do it, it'll mean a lot to me. But I got to go." He said before walking off.

Well that was odd of him... But as I was walking out, Chandler stopped me.

"What's wrong with Rob?" He asked me.

"I don't know."

"He's acting funny, I didn't know if you knew why."

"He's your best friend, you should know." I spat back.

"Well he's always with you so I would think that he would tell you." He said.

"Maybe he doesn't want me to know. Just ask him yourself, I need to get home." I said as I opened the door that lead to the parking lot.

I sighed as I started the engine to my car. I have no idea why I've been such a bitch lately. That's the second time I've yelled at a player this week over something silly. I know Chandler doesn't really mind because him and I are pretty close, but I yelled at a rookie today and I felt so bad.

When I got to my destination, I rang to door bell and the tall, stunning blonde lady answered.

"Hey Syd, I didn't know you were coming over. Your grandpa isn't home." Ricki said.

"Oh, I know. I came here to talk to you. Sorry for not calling first." I said as I walked inside.

"What's up? Did something happen?" She asked asked as we sat on the couch.

"I don't know how to explain. Pretend you really liked someone but you know you can't be with them, what would you do?" I asked her.

"Is this about Rob?" She asked back.

"Yeah, him and I really like each other but I know I can't date him or anything without one of us losing our jobs." I said.

"I'm sure if you both talk to your grandfather about it, or even your dad, that they can work something out. They want to see you happy, and if Rob makes you happy, then they can't take him away from you."

"I know, but I'm just scared it's not going to go the way we want it to."

"You're going to have obstacles either way, just go for it. Your relationship with him doesn't have to be exclusive, you can just be secretly dating." She laughed.

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