Chapter 44

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It's now time for the team dinner and I am freaking out. My grandpa has this big dinner every year and I haven't been to one in so many years, like six years to be exact. It's such a big deal for my family and the organization to have this dinner and it gets very stressful because everything has to go the way my grandpa wants it to.

I stood on the counter in my closet so that I could reach a dress that I need for tonight. It was just a baby blue dress that I could honestly wear anywhere else, but it's one of the more appropriate dresses that I have to say the least. I put it on and grabbed my brown wedges from the corner of my room and walked out.

"Can you help me?" Tyler said as he ran into my room pulling on his tie.

"Did daddy get you this tie?"

"Yes, he got it yesterday."

"I can tell, it's too big for you baby."

I laughed as I squatted down to his level and tied his tie. I should have given him a haircut too because right now it looks like a blonde mess on top of his head. He had t-ball practice this morning and his hair never went back to how it was before even after his shower.

He thanked me before walking out of my room and then down the stairs where my brother was. His wife couldn't come because she was working, but I don't think she wanted to come either way. She doesn't like being involved with Patriot stuff, which I completely understand.

My brother drove us to our grandpas house and there were a large amount of cars here. Enough that it took forever to park in a meaningful spot.

"Should I bring the jacket or no?" Blake asked.

"Just leave it, it's too hot." I replied.

"Someone open my door, I want to play." Tyler said banging on the window.

"Chill dude, you're going to break something." Blake laughed.

I got out and opened the door for Tyler. I was expecting him to run out of the car, but instead he just stood there waiting to walk in with us. He had his cute little water bottle in his hand as I picked him up because he was walking too slow and it was hot outside.

"Can I go play now?" Tyler asked.

"After you say hello to everyone you can go play, okay?"

He nodded. I set him down and he walked away from us to say hi to a few players who were talking. I laughed at how awkward that could have been if they hadn't noticed him. Knowing Tyler, he would have stood there for hours before someone turned to acknowledge him.

My dad was talking with my grandpa when we saw him. They both notcied and they just said hello like something was wrong and they had no time to actually hug us or something. My brother and I both noticed, but we just continued walking. We soon made it outside Tyler let go of my hand before running up to Tom and his two sons. The three then ran away to play across the yard. Blake and Tom started talking, so I slowly backed away and walked back inside.

The rest of the time, I was sitting with the guys talking like we usually do. The typical time I spend at these events are with my friends, and I'm not complaining. They're all super sweet and I love them to death, but sometimes it gets a little hectic.

I looked over my shoulder when I heard my grandpa tell in happiness, followed by a familiar laugh. Rob and Camille just arrived. My grandpa loves Rob so much, even way before him and I even knew each other. Gisele and Cara both sighed as Camille walked over and Gisele even said something under her breath before she came over.

"There was so much traffic on the way here. We left like thirty minutes ago." Camille said as she sat down.

"Oh really? I live down the street from you guys and it was a smooth drive." Danny replied.

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