Chapter 20

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This is probably one of the few times where I don't get to spend the holidays with my family. Usually, I go to my dads house, or we all travel to my moms house in Florida to celebrate Christmas, but this year I have practice. I don't mind that much considering it is a sacrifice I have to make to be in the NFL, and my family understands that, but it's still weird not seeing them on certain family holidays that I love.

I had just gotten home from our practice and it was around noon, so I took a shower and got dressed in jeans, a tshirt since it was hot outside, and a pair of shoes. I fixed myself a sandwich and ate it before grabbing my jacket and getting inside my car and heading to Sydney's grandpas house.

Sydney invited me to their Christmas gathering because she knew I wouldn't be able to go home. And I found it weird because I thought her family was Jewish, but obviously not. She said that they traditionally are, but since all of her uncles and aunts married outside their religion, it was easier to just join both for the holidays. She tried explaining it to me more, but I really wasn't interested that much considering her and I aren't together and that I don't plan on spending my future holidays with her and her family.

After knocking on the door, it opened and Sydneys dad had answered. I shook his hand before walking inside and everyone was sitting inside the living room to the right of me. I waved at everyone while taking my shoes off and then sitting next to Sydney on the couch. They were all playing UNO as all of the small children were playing with their toys on the floor.

"How was practice?" Syd asked me.

"Good, they all like those cookies you made them."

"Oh really? I bought them from the bakery on Main." She laughed.

"You're such a jerk, I told all of them you made those." I said hitting her arm.

"Rob..." She said with a serious look.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, sorry." I said rubbing her arm.

Totally forgot that I had bruised her arm last week. She said it doesn't hurt anymore, but I didn't want to make it worse than it already is. I still get mad at myself for doing it in the first place, and the sad thing is, I don't remember any thing about it.

The day went on and it was almost time to open present. Syd said they like to open them late because they'll enjoy their presents more after a few drinks. I think she was joking, but it's funny to think about it like that.

"Rob, can you open this for me?" Tyler asked.

"Sure bud," I replied as I took one of his toys that I had got him, "here you go." I said handing it to him.

"What do you say?" Sydney said to Tyler.

"Thank you Rob." He said hugging me.

"No problem dude." I smiled.

I watched him as he sat back down and enjoyed his toy that I got him. He still had other gifts to open, but he didn't care about those after that last present. I had gotten a few presents, but I think Sydney had bought them and wrote other peoples names on them. Well, Mr. Kraft got me this super cool shadow box of every accomplishment I've made with the Patriots organization, and there is even room for a few rings inside. I thanked him dearly because I loved it so much. No one has ever gotten me anything like it, so I'm sure to keep it in a safe place.

After opening all of our presents, things turned a completely different direction. Sydney and her brother, along with her cousins set up a beer pong table as the adults played Russian Roulette with shots. When they finished, the doorbell rang and Sydney got up to answer it, but her mom insisted on getting it. Sydney stared at the door and waited for the said person to walk through, and I could feel her tense up. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek repeatedly trying to distract her, but she wouldn't budge. But soon, the person she didn't want to come walked inside. It was Noah.

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