Chapter 64

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Slightly boring chapter but still escalate towards the end. Wait until the next part of next chapter bc that's going to be AMAZING.

After Syd walked out of the bathroom, I felt nothing but sorrow run through my body. I felt so bad for everything that I have done and everything that has caused nothing but hard times with Sydney. I honestly love her with all my heart and I don't know why I would be so angry at myself for not giving her my all that I would just buy drugs and take them like we were teenagers ago. Hearing Sydney and Tyler on the other side of the door made things tough too. Tyler heard everything we said and that poor little boy is just trying to make things better. That's not his job, it's mine.

I waited until there was complete silence for a while to go back out there. I slowly opened the door and went around the bed and laid down on my back with my hands on top of each other on my chest. Still crying, I felt Sydney move and watched her turn over to me. She moved snug next to me and wrapped her arm tightly around me.

I hesitated to even speak. "I am so sorry."

I cried harder just grasping onto Sydney because it feels like she's going to leave me. I don't want her to. She's the greatest thing that's happened to me and I don't know what to do.

Soon after laying there, Lucas began to cry.

"I got it." I said.

Syd stopped me. "No, I'll do it, I told you I didn't want you touching them until you're sober."

She got up and I watched her pick him up. She laid him down and changed his diaper.

"Do you want to start getting ready? It's gonna be 12 soon and I don't want to sleep and miss anything."

"Yeah, I mean it'll only take me 30 minutes. If you want to shower and get ready, I'll watch the boys."

"I mean, okay, yeah. I'll just keep the door open."

I sighed. "Babe, I'm fine. You don't have to keep the door open."

She grunted. "Noah, I'm keeping the door open whether you like it or not."

"Do you not trust me? Is that what this is about?"

"I don't know how to feel right now. I'm at my ex boyfriends wedding with my ex boyfriends baby and I have my other druggie ex boyfriend as my date. Cara's married and Tyler has like 5 girlfriends he won't shut up about, how do you think I feel right now?"

"Can we talk about this later?" Noah said looking at Tyler who is still asleep.

"I'm so over today already Noah."

She scoffed before slamming the door and turning on the shower. I sat up and drank water before grabbing my phone and calling Cara.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey are you busy? Is anyone around"

"No, just laying in bed, Jimmy's in the shower, what's up?"

"Please don't tell Sydney that I told you this, but I did something so stupid and I don't know what to do. She's angry at me and I know she's stressed because she's here for Rob and all. I just don't know how to make her happy."

"Well did you ask her out yet?"

I sighed. "No, it's never a good time. I'm either fucking up or she's crying over Rob or she's at his house or something. It's hard and I don't want to ask her if she's still hung up on Rob."

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