Chapter 61

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"Lucas, stop crying." I pleaded.

It has been about a month since we've taken Lucas home from the hospital. We are both currently in the hotel room in Miami Florida for one of the games here. The game starts in a couple of hours and I'm just trying to get Lucas to be quiet for just a few minutes so I can get him dressed.

And no, he will not be wearing a Gronkowski jersey tonight. How awkward would it be to show up with my baby who is wearing my ex boyfriends number? I mean his dad...but no one knows that. That would just start a lot of controversy. So, he's wearing Toms number instead!

"Sydney! Are you almost ready?" I heard from outside of the door. It was Cara.

I opened the door and she was standing there impatiently.

"Yeah, I just need to get Lucas dressed." I said.

She walked inside and set her purse down.

"Sydney, not going to lie, you look hot."

I laughed. "I look the same?"

"No, I mean you look like you never had a baby."

"Thanks I think."

She laughed before sitting on the bed next to Lucas. He looked at her and smiled which made both of us smile.

"Lucas no." I cried.

"What?" Cara asked.

"He just pooped." I laughed.

She laughed with me. "I've got it, I'll change him, and can finish getting ready."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've got it."

I smiled to her before tying my hair in a pony tail and getting dressed. I wore a white Do Your Job shirt and a pair of high waisted denim shorts. I then did my make up which only took maybe two minutes. I let my hair down and put on one of Noah's red hats that I stole from him before we left Massachusetts.

"Cara what are you doing?" I asked her.

I stood there and watched her twirl Lucas around in her arms and dance with him. He cannot stop laughing. She was snapchatting this entire thing.

"I want one Sydney."

"I can't help you with that, you'll have to ask Jimmy."

She smiled. "We already talked about it." She said playing with Lucas's foot.

"Cara, are you pregnant?" I asked.

"No, I was just saying."

I sighed in relief. Lucas is enough, but if Cara had one we would be in trouble.

"But we should leave, the game starts in a couple of hours." I said.

Cara placed Lucas in his carseat carrier as I grabbed his bag with extra clothes, diapers, and milk inside. I then put my purse across my shoulder and grabbed the door key. We walked out and went downstairs. I then strapped Lucas into the back of Cara's rental car and got in the front seat and we were on our way to the game.

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