Chapter 52

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"The doctor said to take it easy."

"Rob, I'm just walking into my house."

"Sorry, I'm just cared."

She scoffed. "Scared of what?"

"Losing you and the baby." I said as we sat on her couch.

"Well you already lost me, so you must be terrified."

"Syd, it's not even like that. I still care about you and I want you to be safe."

"Would you still care about me if I wasn't pregnant?" She asked me.

I didn't reply. "See, exactly."

"Did you tell Camille that it was mine?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I was going to but Noah saved you and told her it was his."

I nodded. "I noticed he's been around a lot lately, how come?"

"Helping with Tyler mostly."

"How is Tyler anyways?"

She laughed. "He still hates you."

"Look I'm sorry for that night, I was angry. I didn't mean for Tyler to hear anything that was said."

"Yeah well I didn't want to hear anything you said either, but it's okay."

I sighed. "I'm gonna get going before my girlfriend freaks out about where I'm at. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

She nodded before I patted her leg and left. It's hard leaving her when a small part of me still cares about her. And the only reason why I never wanted to get back with her was because I didn't want to ruin our relationship even more than I have. I know she's still hurt about it, so am I, but I honestly think that it was the right decision. The right decision for our child atleast.

"So, where have you been?" Melanie asked as I walked into the home.

"I was at practice babe." I said kissing her cheek.

"Practice ended almost an hour ago, you're late."

"I went to my coaches house afterwards to talk. Why are you asking so many questions?"

"Just wanted to know where you were since you didn't call me."

"Well I'm home now, so I'm going to take a shower."

I sighed before going upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower. If there's one thing I miss most about being with Sydney is that she never asked ridiculous questions and never bugged me about where I've been like Mel and Camille have.

I took my shower and laid comfortably on my bed. I laid on my back trying to cool down from the hot steamy shower that had relaxed my body.

"Sorry for getting on you, I just came across an article that kind of made me angry." Melanie said as she walked into the room.

"Article about what?" I asked.

"You and Sydney. Isn't that the girl from Cara's party last night with the blonde hair?"

I nodded. "Yeah, what did the article say?"

"It was from almost a year ago. It talked about you guys dating that's all. When did you guys break up?"

"We were off and on a lot, but I ended things with her a few months ago, why?"

She paused. "Is she pregnant with your baby?"

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