Chapter 33

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It's been a few weeks since that night with Sydney and I guess you could say that things are going well for us. I haven't officially asked her out yet, but it's definitely something that I've been thinking about lately. I don't know what it was, but ever since the party ship, we haven't gotten angry with each other. We hangout so often that I'm surprised that we haven't killed each other. It's like we both changed for the better between the time we were apart and now we try our hardest to stay humble and make things work between us.

Right now I'm at my house with Chandler playing video games, eating food, so basic guy stuff. He came over to hangout because ever since the season ended, we haven't been able to do anything together like old times.

"Well look who's finally awake." Chandler laughed. I turned to see Sydney who had just woken up from a nap.

"Hi C.J." She said before hugging him.

"I told you not to call me that."

"Oh well, but hey. Are you guys hungry? I'll make something for you guy."

"You're going to actually cook?" I asked here.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're better off ordering pizza than cooking for us, babe." I laughed.

She stood there awkwardly before turning around and grabbing her phone out of her pocket. I couldn't help but laugh at how she completely agreed with me and how her food sorta kinda sucks. The only think she's good at making are sandwiches and protein shakes, that's it.

"So what are you two?" Chandler asked.

"We're just friends."

"But you called here babe, there has to be something going on."

"Well, I'm planning on asking her out but I don't know when or how."

"You know, last time we had this conversation you chickened out." He laughed.

"Yeah yeah, I know. But this time I'm serious and I want to follow through with it." I laughed back.

"Well I don't know how you should ask her if you're that committed to it. I guess do it when ever you feel like it."

"Thanks man, not sure what I'd do without you."

We continued to talk and hangout for a while until the pizza came. Sydney had already paid for it, so we went back downstairs to continue our bro time while she slept upstairs.

I honestly feel bad for Sydney. For the past few days she hasn't been feeling well and her boss told her to take some days off until she got better and she hasn't. She keeps asking about her job and calling Lauren to see if her work got done and everything and I feel like that's making her feel even worse because she's stressing over her job. The only way we can keep herself from freaking out is if she sleeps basically all day, which isn't healthy at all, but then again she's constantly tired so it's not like she can avoid it. Sydney refuses to go to the doctor and it aggravates me because soon I'll be leaving to do stuff for the off season and she won't have me around to take care of her. And it doesn't help that her family is always busy too.

A few hours passed and Chandler left my house to tend to his family for the night. Him and his wife are leaving to visit his family for a few weeks, so they have to get ready for that.

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