Chapter 15

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Hopefully this chapter clears up anything that I may have confused any of you all with. (:

The past couple weeks Sydney hasn't answered any of my texts or calls. Ever since she came to the stadium with her nephew, she's been distant from me. I have no idea why, but I don't like the feeling of her not being in my life, well my sex life.

I am currently out having guy time at this bowling alley in town. We all just needed a day off from the past two losses and one win that we had yesterday versus the Texans.

"Hey, what's up with you and Sydney? You haven't been talking about her." Danny asked.

"I don't know, we kind of just stopped talking." I said eating a fry.

"That's weird, I thought you really liked her?"

"I did, but then I spent a couple weeks Camille and realized that I liked her a little bit more."

"Yeah, didn't you propose to her or something?" Jimmy asked.

"What? Where did you get that from?" I asked not knowing how he knew.

"Cara told me, she said she found out from someone in one of her classes."

"I didn't propose, I got her a promise ring, big difference." I sighed before getting up to bowl.

"Oh well, that's what I heard."

That really just pissed me off. I mean, who told who about it? Camille doesn't hangout with anyone that much, so who would know about the ring and tell people? It's Cara and Jimmy and the only person I can see knowing is Sydney, but I haven't talked to her and I'm well aware that Camille hasn't talked to her either.

We got done bowling and we just chilled there for a while before going home. I rode with Chandler today because I couldn't find my keys for some reason.

"What's wrong with you man?" Chandler asked me.

"What are you talking about?"

"The whole Sydney and Camille thing... You really liked Sydney and everyone knows it. Camille gets pregnant and your views change completely and you don't know what you want."

"I know what I want, and I want Camille."

"Do you hear yourself right now? Were you not the guy who stressed over asking her out and bought her a entire outfit and flowers for one night? It's like right after that you stopped caring."

"That was one night, Chandler. One. She's not as special as you think she is."

"Oh, so should I also bring up the fact that you kept sleeping with her after you started dating Camille again? Because it seems like something is pretty special about her if you can't fucking let go of her." He spat at me.

"Why the hell are you taking her side?" I yelled.

"Because you're being so immature! Sydney is a great girl and you know she is. Any guy on the team would do anything to get her and you had her! Literally every where I look you're talking to her, but then one thing happens and you cut her off completely. You sit there and only talk to her when you want to have sex or something because you know she'll give it to you. She likes you a lot Rob, can you not see that? Everyone on the team can see it, even the staff probably."

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