Chapter 72

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I walked inside and noticed that everyone is staring at me. When I got inside, I locked the front door just so that she literally couldn't get in. I made myself a drink and walked upstairs to grab my phone charger. I heard someone up here, confused as to who it was.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked Noah who was up here with Jimmy.

"Nothing." He said.

"You look upset."

Noah looked at me. "We're talking about stuff babe."

My walked in. "Oh, well I'm gonna go change somewhere else then, sorry."

I grabbed a set of clothes and before I knew it, the door bell rang. I looked at Jimmy and Noah, and they shrugged and walked outside to the backyard where everyone else migrated to. We all know it's Cara. She started banging on the door.

"I can fucking see you guys, open the door."

I sighed as I went outside and grabbed Rob to answer the door. Noah turned the music up, just so that everyone can have a good time instead of hanging around us.

I saw Cara walk outside and I honestly began to laugh. Like a drunk 'oh shit' laugh. Noah grabbed me and pulled me into the biggest bear hug ever.

"I'm going to spill my drink, stop it." I laughed.

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you, that's all."

"I love you too. But please get off me."

"No, I'm trying to read what Cara is saying to Jimmy."

I laughed. "Oh oh okay. What is she saying?" I said as I am still in his arms.

"She's just yelling at him for being here, but she keeps looking over at us. Rob's just standing there listening. I think she's about to leave though."


"Yeah, she walking away back inside now. Jimmy is following her but I doubt he's leaving."

Noah let go and kissed me before walking inside.

"Syd do you have any single hot girl friends you can hook me up with?" One of the coaches asked me.

I laughed. "Ask me again in a few days and I'll let you know."

He nodded and walked away with a smile. I laughed and walked back to the other guys to see what was going on.

"What happened?"

"Well, Cara yelled at me and even dropped off a bag full of clothes for me. And my practice gear. So, I guess you have a baby sitter for the next few weeks if I can stay here."

"Dude don't say that, everything will be okay. Did she leave?" I asked.

"Yeah, like a couple minutes ago."

"Jimmy, I'm so sorry. Like honestly none of this would have happened if I hadn't said anything to you. I'm so so so sorry Jimmy."

"No Syd, not your fault. You had nothing to do with this. It's honestly been a whole thing since we found out she was pregnant. I just haven't been able to be myself at all, and I'm happy that I have you Noah and Rob to fall back on and keep me sane. Like you have no idea how great it feels to actually go out and have a good time despite the arguments tonight. I really appreciate the invite. I don't think you guys realize how important it was for me to actually be able to hangout with my friends like old time." He said as he cried a little.

I stared at Jimmy before pulling him into a big hug. My heart is breaking. I never knew any of this. I wish I would have known sooner.

"Do you want to go inside and talk?" I asked him.

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