Chapter One: The New Beginning

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Katniss P.O.V. 

I wake up from my alarm clock that goes of. 'I don't want to', I say in my pillow. But the clock keeps beeping and eventually I have to get up. I sigh. Today school starts again. But fortunately it's my last year. I'm a senior now. And so are my friends. 

I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I pull some clothes out of my closet and walk downstairs. I eat some breakfast, but I'm not really hungry. I sit with my little sister Prim for a couple of minutes when there's someone knocking on the door. I walk to the door and open it. 

'Hey, Annie', I say. Annie smiles at me and hugs me. 'Ready for school?' she asks. I nod. 'I think so.' Annie chuckles. I take my bag from the kitchentable.
'Bye!' I scream through the house. 'Bye, Katniss!' Prim yells. I walk with Annie to her car.

During the ride I think about the last few years. They've gone by so fast. I remember when I first came to Panem High School. That was four years ago. I was so scared about everything. I thought I would never get any friends at all. And now I have an amazing group of friends. Annie is my best friend. She has known me the longest. And she knows almost everything about me.


We get to school and when I step out of the car, Finnick walks immediately to us. Finnick is also my best friend. My male best friend. He feels like a brother to me. He's the only guy that knows me to my soul. Just like Annie. I think Finnick likes Annie. He has been flirting with her for over a year now. But whenever I ask him about her, he changes the subject.

'Hey Finnick', I greet him. He smiles to us and hugs us. Finnick is really goofy and he often uses wrong pick-up lines. But he doesn't mean them. It's just for fun.

'Hey girls', he says. Annie and I have spend a lot of time with Finnick this summer. So I don't have to ask him about it, because I already know.

'Are the others here yet?' Annie asks. Finnick nods. 'Just Gale.' We walk with him to Gale and as soon as he sees us, he starts running towards us. He hugs us and smiles.
'Hey, Catnip. How was your summer?' he asks. 'Great. I've been to Italy with my mom and sister ans I've spend a lot of time with Annie and Finnick', I say. He smiles even bigger.

'And you?' I ask. 'I've been to Spain with my mother and brothers and sisters', he tells us. 'That's great!' Annie yells. She realizes that that was a bit hard and she starts blushing.

Then I see Johanna step out of her car. 'Johanna!', I scream and I start running to her. I jump into her and hug her. 'Well, hello Katniss', she says a bit confused. I laugh and take her to the others.

'Welcome, Jojo', Finnick says. 'Starting with the nicknamed already, Finn?' Johanna asks. Finnick nods. Johanna rolls her eyes and slaps Finnick playfully. 

'What time is it?' I ask. Finnick looks at his watch. 'It's...', he starts but then the bell rings. 'Time for class', Gale finnishes. I chuckle and start walking to class. 


Sooooooo, what did you guys think of the first chapter? I know it's not that good yet, but I promis it will get better. 

Comment your ideas, I really want to hear them!
Love, -xxx-

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