Chapter 38: Dreams and Nightmares

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Katniss P.O.V.

We're back in Annies livingroom, and we're just talking. It's so nice to have my friends with me.
'But, Katniss, how was New York?' Johanna asks.
Okay, maybe not to nice.
'Eh...', I stutter as I feel my hands getting sweaty.
Peeta lays his hand on my thigh, trying to calm me.
'It was okay. Mathew was nice to me at first, and the city was amazing', I say. Johanna frowns.
'He was nice to you, at first?' she repeats. I nod. I think she wants an explanation.
'He told me that he really had feelings for me and after that it was really awkward. He even followed me to everywhere I went', I tell. She looks shocked.
'What a dick', she says. I nod. 'But soon Peeta came and brought me back', I say, smiling at Peeta.

'And what about us?' Finnick asks. 'Oh, Peeta had some help with him', I say. Finnick smiles proudly.
'So, guys, what now?' he asks. We all look around. 'Let's watch a movie', Annie says.

Five minutes later, we're sitting very close to eachother on the couch, watching a movie called "The DUFF".
We have to laugh a lot. I'm sitting very close to Peeta, almost in his lap. I don't know, he's my boyfriend, but I don't feel a 100% comfortable with him. That's weird, right?

At the end of the movie, we decide to go to bed, even though Finnick objects.
'But, it's just 01:00 AM. That's early', he said. We all laughed and crowled into our sleeping bags. Annie and Finnick are in one, and me and Peeta also sleep in one sleeping bag. He wraps his arms around me and soon I hear his heavy breath, wich means he's asleep. But I can't seem to fall asleep. I just look around me and stare into the dark.

After a while, I hear someone moan.
'Ouch, it's so hot in here!' I hear a female voice hiss. Then I hear some clutter, followed by a pair of light footsteps. I look up and see Annie walking into the kitchen. I wring out Peetas grip and stand up.
'Can't sleep?' I ask, leaning against the door post. Annie jumps up and turns around. I laugh to myself.
'Finnick has a hot body, literally', she says, drinking from her glass of water. I smile. I walk up to her and sit on the kitchen dresser. 
'How's Peeta?' Annie asks. I look in the direction of the livingroom. I can see him sleeping. I smile. 'Good, I think. He's worried about my bruise. He feels guilty', I say. Annie frowns. 'Did he hit you?' she asks. I shake my head. 'No, his mom. He thinks it's his fault', I say. Annie nods. 'Don't we have to go to the police?' she asks. I hold up my shoulders. 'I don't know. I want to, but Peeta says it won't work', I say. 'But your face is the evidence', she says. I sigh and nod. I know that...

'I think Peeta wants to take care of it himself', I say. Annie nods. I hear a snoring coming from the livingroom and I just know it's Finnick.
'How are things with Finnick?' I ask. Annie starts to blush immediately.  'He didn't ask me yet', she mumbles. I smile to myself. I know, but he will. And I think I can help him a bit. 
'Annie, tell me, what would be your absolute dream date?' I ask. She frowns at me. 'Why do you ask that?' she asks in return. I can't betray Finnick.  'Just wondering. You're usually not that girly... Oh well, you are, but not in this way', I say. Annie thinks for a moment. 

'I think... My dream date would be... First a movie, then a nice dinner at a restaurant, then off to the beach for a long walk and a night picnic, to see the sun coming down', she says dreamy. I have to keep my jaw from dropping. She is really changed since she's with Finnick. 
'That sounds... Romantic', I say. Annie smiles. She takes another swig from her water and looks at me. 

'And what about you?' she asks. I frown at her. 'What's your dream date?' she explains. I think. 'I don't really know...', I say. Annie rolls her eyes. 'Come on, you surely know something', she pushes me. I sigh. 'Alright', I say. Annie smiles. 'I think I would like to do something different, you know? Something special. And then a meal, not very chic, but just a meal together. And then I would like to be at a high point, to see the lights of the city. And the night picnic from you, also doesn't sound very bad. You know, stare at the stars. I would like that', I say. Annie smiles again, bigger this time. I can't help but smile too. 'But, keep it to yourself, okay? Peeta already does so much for me', I say quickly. Annie makes a gesture, to look like her lips are glued together. 'My lips are sealed, miss', she says. I laugh. 
'I think we need to go back', I say. Annie nods and we both crowl back into our sleeping bags. 

I'm gonna tell Finnick about Annies dream date tomorrow. I smile to the thought of my best friends being so happy with eachother, and I fall asleep smiling. 

-----THE NEXT DAY -----

Peeta P.O.V.

I wake up with Katniss in my arms. I smile. I look around me and see that I'm the first one up. Guess I could make some pancakes. I get up and walk to the kitchen. I make the batter, and while I'm baking, I think about what's coming. Katniss' birthday is in a few weeks, and I want to do something special for her. But I also want to ask her for prom. I know it's nothing like for me, but I think it'll be fun when I take her. But the thing is, I don't know if she'll like it... I don't know if this kind of things are something for her. I think I'm gonna ask Annie today. She'll know. 

Soon, everyone's up and eating. They all like my pancakes. 
'Really, Peeta, they're delicious', Annie says. 'How do you do that?' Johanna asks. I blush and hold up my shoulders. 

'Oh, come on, Peeta, not self-effacing, you're a great baker. You're born to bake', Katniss says. I smile. 'I guess', I mumble. 

After breakfast, we all have to go to school. We pack our bags and leave. 

At school, a bunch of girls surround me again. 
'Peeta? Can I get your number?' one of them asks. I shrug. 'No time, I'm sorry', I say. Another one is feeling my arms. 'How is this even possible?' she whispers to her friend. I sigh and push myself through. I look around for Katniss, but she's far away from me, because of all the girls. I can see that she doesn't look so happy. I want to go to her, but then I hear a voice yelling. 
'Get out of my way, you bitches!' I hear. It's not Katniss. I look in front of me. Oh no, please... 


She's pushing herself through the cloud of girls and when she gets to me, she wraps her arms around my neck. 
'Peeta! I missed you', she babbles. I roll my eyes. I'm so not in the mood for this. 'Hi Delly', I say. She immediately looks at me. 'You didn't miss me?' she asks. I don't know what to say. The girls are waiting for my answer, and so is Katniss... 

Oh no, what is Peeta gonna do? He doesn't want to be rude, but he also doesn't want to lie. What do you guys think he should do? Let me know!
Love, -xxx-

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