Chapter 52: Don't wanna

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Peeta P.O.V.

I wake up with Katniss in my arms. I smile. I want to place a kiss on her forehead, but I stop myself. I think about the fight between me and Gale yesterday. I still have that busted lip.
I slowly go out of the bed and walk to the mirror on the wall and look at myself. I look horrible. The bruises on my left cheek are now dark blue, the cut on my head is still really visible and my lip is swollen.
I don't want Katniss to wake up and see me like this. But I also don't want her to worry where I am. I'll just sit down next to her, but at a distance.

It takes a while for her to wake up, but she was really tired, so I don't mind. I like looking at her when she's asleep.
'Hey', she says when she looks at me. I smile at her. 'Hi', I say. She frowns at my hand, wich lays on top of her tigh.
'Why are you so far away from me?' she asks. I look down.
'I eh... I don't want you to be scared of me', I say. She smiles. 'I'm not. I've seen your bruises before', she says.
I smile weakly.
She pats the space next to her.
'Come on', she says. I doubt it. She smiles. 'Come on, I know you want it', she smirks. I chuckle and lay down next to her. I place my head into her shoulder blade.
'But remember, you can't kiss me', she says. I sigh and look at her. 'You little devil, you're teasing me', I say. I feel her giggle. 'I love you, Katniss', I say. She turns so she can face me. 'I love you more, Peeta', she says. I shake my head. 'That's not possible', I say smirking. She smiles and kisses my nose.
'You should know how bad I want to kiss you right now', I say. She chuckles and leans in. I feel her lips press a little kiss on my weak spot.
'That's just mean', I say. She laughs. I love hearing her laugh. 'I'm sorry. I just like to tease you', she says. That makes me chuckle.

'I can tease you too', I say smirking. Her eyebrows form a frown. 'How? You can't kiss me', she says. I give her a mysterious smile. 'I dont have to', I say. My hands find their way to her waist and my fingers start to tickle her. She starts to laugh uncontrolled. 'Peeta! Stop! I... Can't... Breath!' she says between laughs. I stop and watch her breathe heavingly. 'See? If you tease me, I tease you', I say. She giggles.

I get out of bed.

'What are you doing?' Katniss asks behind me. I turn to her and smile. 'I'm hungry. I'm gonna get some breakfast for us', I say. She smiles and I leave.


When I walk back to Katniss' room, I hear talking. I stop outside the door and listen.
'What's wrong, Katniss?' Annie asks. 'Yeah, you seem down', Johanna says. I hear a sigh, wich I guess is coming from Katniss. 'My birthday is tomorrow, and I just don't want to spend it in the hospital', Katniss says. I gasp to myself. Her birthday! I totally forgot! I have to do something. I can't book a weekend away, because she won't be able to handle it. I have to think of something else.

'We can't promise anything, Kat. You're still not really strong', Amy says. 'Not that you were very strong before', Johanna jokes. I hear laughter. I guess it's only her and the girls inside then. Katniss sighs again. 'I just want to be out of here. Nothing special. Just... Outside', she says. I hear a giggle. 'Oh come on, Kat. We all know that you were expecting something for your birthday', Johanna says. 'No, really. I wasn't. Just a relaxed day with Peeta and then a dinner with you guys. Something like that', Katniss says. 'A relaxed day with Peeta? Ripping off eachothers clothes doesn't seem so relaxed to me', Johanna says. I hear a slap. 'Jo!' Annie says. I hear laughter again. I find myself blushing at Johannas comment.

It's silent for a moment, and I think now's the time to go in. So I open the door and act normal.
'Hello, I'm back', I say. I bring the plate to Katniss and she starts to eat some bread.
'It doesn't taste as good as your bread', Katniss says smiling. I smile too.

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