Chapter 44: Showing

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Katniss P.O.V.

'There you are', Peeta says when I sit next to him again. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek. I lay down with my head in his lap and he runs his hands through my hair. I look at the stars. They're absolutely beautiful.
'They're almost as beautiful as you. Almost', Peeta whispers. I smile at him. He leans in and kisses my head.

'Hey Annie, I forgot my coat in my car. Could you go and get it for me please?' Finnick asks. I look up at them. Annie sighs and stands up.
'I'll go with you', I say as I stand up too. I quickly smile at Peeta and then walk with Annie to Finnicks car.

'He's so forgetful', Annie laughs. She's talking about Finnick, of course. I nod. 'Yeah', I simply say. But there's something else. Something I don't trust. I just have a weird feeling in my stomach about it.
Annie and I get the coat out of Finnicks car and we walk back.

But when we walk back to the beach, we see more light then there were before. We look at eachother suspiciously and slowly walk further.
We get closer, and see our boys -doesn't that sound amazing?- stand next to eachother. Very close. I frown and walk further. They have their hands in front of their bodies and they smile at us.
'What's this?' Annie asks. Finnick is the first one to talk. 'I know you've been waiting for something, but I wanted it to be special. Because you're special', he says. Annie smiles lovingly at him. They share a look, and then Finnicks glance turns to Peeta. He clears his throat, bringing Peeta back to reality.
'Uh... Yeah. Katniss, I don't know if you wanted me to do this, but I know I want to do it', he says. That sounded a little weird, and he realizes too.
'Uh... I mean, I thought it would be fun to... Eh...', he stutters, wich makes me laugh. Peeta wants to try again, but Finnick interrupts him.
'So, do you maybe, want to go to...' He pauses. They separate and Annie and I see the sign that has been made into the sand. "PROM?" it says. Annie and I look at eachother with wide eyes.
The boys are looking at us, with a nervous glance at their faces.
'Yes, of course', Annie says and she walks over to Finnick, hugging him. I watch them for a moment, but then realize that Peeta is still waiting for my answer. I look at him and he gives me a questioning glance.
I smile lightly and nod. He smiles in relief and runs to me. His arms wrap around my waist. He leans in to kiss me and I let him go.

The rest of the night, we're talking, laughing and enjoying the moment. Around two in the morning, we head home.
I crowl in bed next to Peeta, and je wraps his arms around my tightly. I fall asleep smiling.


When I wake up, Peeta's gone. I look at the alarm clock. 07:40. I sigh. We gotta go to school today. I push myself out of bed and put on my night gown. While I'm walking downstairs, I think about that feeling again, that I felt yesterday. But the scent of fresh bread pulls me out of my thoughts.
I walk into the kitchen, and see Peeta standing with his back to me. A good time to scare him. I smile devilishly to myself and sneak up to him.

'Good morning, beautiful', he suddenly says. I stop walking and stare at the back of his head.
'How did you know I was coming?' I ask confused. Peeta chuckles.
'I feel that', he says, still with his back to me. I roll my eyes and walk up to him. I sit down on the counter and look at him, making our breakfast.
'Good morning to you too, by the way', I say. He smiles and looks up to me. When he does, I can see that there's a wipe of flour on his jaw. I smile at it. Peeta frowns.
'What is it?' he asks. I look down at his hands. They're also covered in flour. 'Peeta? Did you wipe your hands on your face?' I ask. He frowns more and shrugs. 'I don't know. Why?'
I laugh to myself. 'Because you have flour on your face', I say. He starts to blush and smiles. He pulls me down from the counter and pulls me closer to him. He starts kissing my face, everywhere but my lips.
After that, he smirks at me.
'So, now you're covered in flour too', he says. I roll my eyes. I'm not statisfied with the kisses. I pull him to me with his shirt and crash my lips onto his. His arms sneak around my waist immediately. But, they start moving. I feel his hands get lower on my back, in the direction of my butt. But, I don't want that. I pull away and look at the clock.
'We can't be late', I say, using the time as an excuse. He sighs and nods.

We eat breakfast, take a shower, and head to school.
The first lessons are without Peeta. I only see him after the first break. I still can't believe he really asked me. He really did. I find myself drawing his name in my notebook. I smile at the letters. Only our friends know that we're together. The others do notice something, but they never ask and we never tell.

In the break, I search for Peeta. I look around the cafeteria and then I see it. Peeta is standing against the wall, with Delly in front of him.
I immediately feel the anger rising in my body. I race towards them and I can hear a part of their conversation.
'So, you're doing anything this Friday?' Delly asks. Peeta doesn't look at her. 'Oh, I don't have plans yet, but-', he starts, but Delly interrupts him. 'Good, so we have a date', she says. Peeta frowns at her. 'Date?' he repeats. That's when I get into the picture.
'I didn't think so, Cartwright', I say as I walk closer to them. Peeta looks at me, and a smile meets me. I stand next to him, removing Dellys hand from Peetas shoulder. She looks at me.
'And what do you have to do with it?' she asks. Shit. What should I say now?
'Because Peeta has plans with me', I decide.  Delly raises one eyebrow. 'He does?' she asks. I nod. She turns her glance to Peeta again. She doesn't say anything. She just looks. From Peeta to me and back.
'And why would he be interested in you?' she finally asks. I look at Peeta. 'Because he's my boyfriend', I say, still looking at him. I hear Delly gasp, and I turn my head to her.
'He isn't. He can't be. Such a nice and hot boy, in love with...' She pauses and looks to me from my head to my toes. Like she's taking a picture of me.
'...You', she finishes. I feel offended by that but I have to stay strong.
'Need evidence?' I ask. She raises her eyebrow again. 'You don't dare', she challenges me. I smile evilly and turn to Peeta. I place my hand on his neck and pull him closer. I press my lips onto his and kiss him passionately. I feel his hands sneak around my waist.

When we finally break apart, Delly looks angry. I smile -fake- gently at her.
'Enough?' I ask. Delly rolls her eyes and hurries out of the cafeteria. Peeta just looks at me with a surprised glance.
'What was that for?' he asks. I smile at him. 'I just had to', I say. He shakes his head chuckling. 'You're so funny', he mumbles. I smile and place both my hands around his neck again.
'I know', I joke. He chuckles again and places his hands around my waist. He kisses my nose.
'You okay?' I ask. He nods. 'Yeah, but you didn't have to do that for me', he says. I kiss his cheek and look at him again.
'She's a whore. I wanted to show her that she can't get everyone. Plus, I just wanted to kiss you', I say smirking. He laughs. 'I have to say that I thought the same thing when I saw you coming to me', he says. I smile and place a soft kiss on his lips.

Then I see a girl looking at us. But when I look at her, she quickly looks away. I let go of Peeta and walk over to her.
'Hello', I say friendly. She shyly looks at me. 'H- Hi', she stutters. Why is she so nervous?
'What's your name?' I ask. 'Amy', she says. I smile gently at her. Real this time. 'Hi Amy, I'm Katniss', I say. She nods. 'I know', she murmurs. I frown.
'You're quite popular since you're together with Peeta', she quickly says. I smile.
'Wanna meet him?' I ask. She smiles and nods. We walk over to Peeta.
'Hey, this is Amy', I say to him. He looks up and looks at Amy.
'Hi, I'm Peeta', he says friendly. She smiles at him.
Then the bell rings. I look at Amy.
'Wich lesson do you have now?' I ask her. 'History', she says. I nod. I have math. 'Well, I guess I'll see you around', I say. Amy nods and walks away. Peeta takes my hand and starts walking to the classroom.
I liked her. She was nice. But why was she so nervous? I hope I can get to know her better. 

Soo, what did you think of this chapter? Who's that Amy?
Love, -xxx-

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