Chapter 42: Something Nice

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Katniss P.O.V.

I'm happy, because Finnick is taking Annie out tonight. Finally. I'll probably hear all about it tomorrow.
'Katniss?' Peetas voice gets me out of my thoughts. I look around me and see Peeta standing in the doorway of the livingroom. I'm sitting on the couch. He's smiling at me.
'What are you thinking about?' he asks. I smile back. 'Nothing', I say.
Peeta chuckles and walks towards me.

'Wanna do something?' he asks. I nod. 'Well, let's go', he says and he gives me my coat. I frown. What is he up to?

He drives a couple of minutes and stops somewhere I don't know. I look around and I don't recognize the area.
'Are you gonna kill me here?' I ask, giggling. Peeta chuckles and kisses my cheek.
'Absolutely', he whispers. I smile and we both get out of the car.

There's a little building where Peeta starts to walk toward. I follow him, a little unsure of where we're going.
When we get inside, I smell a delicious scent. I think it's hot chocolate. But I also smell something else, wich I can't place. We walk further, until we're at a big brown door and Peeta stops. He positions himself next to the door and loos at me.
'Welcome, ma'am, in Winter Wonderland', he says as he opens the door. I walk inside and what I see is absolutely gorgeous.

'Ice skating?' I ask. Peeta nods and smiles big. I also feel a smile spreading on my face.
'How did you think of this?' I ask as we walk further into the building. Peeta shrugs.
'It just came to my mind, I wanted to do something nice', he says. I smile. I look at Peeta, he's smiling at me. How can I even deserve this boy?

I feel a satisfying feeling in my stomach when I hear people laugh, sing and the sound of racing skates. I look at the rink.
There's a girl behind a wooden chair, trying to move up the speed. There's also a young woman, who makes the one beautiful jump after the other.
I see a little boy playing with the fake snow on the side. I smile at the happy picture of it all.

'Like it?' I hear Peeta ask. I look at him and nod. 'I think it's beautiful', I say. He smiles shyly and he leads me to one of the picnic tables. 'I'm gonna get the skates', he says and walks away. I look around me, admiring the beauty of this area once more. I get lost in the ice dance of a old woman an her -I guess- husband. It almost looks like they're flying over the ice. It's absolutely breathtaking.

I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder. The person who belongs to the hand laughs.
'You're getting lost in your thoughts so easy', Peeta says.
I roll my eyes and smile. I stand up as he hands me the skates. I put them on, but then I remember that I can't skate at all.
'Eh...', I mumble. Peeta looks at me. 'Is there a problem?' he asks, a little too innocent. I mentally cure myself and push a smile out of me. 'No, no problem', I say. Peeta smiles and takes my hand.

On the ice, I feel like a young pinguïn who just got out of the egg. I'm struggling with my own feet, trying not to show Peeta anything.
But when I take an improvident step, I fall down onto the ice. I quickly stand up and see Peeta looking at me. He has a worried glance in his eyes, but I also see that he has to keep himself from laughing.
I roll my eyes and wipe the fake snow off of my jeans.

'Don't laugh', I say as I see Peeta's still chuckling. He tries to stop, but fails. Again.
'I'm sorry, you just look so cute with that fake snow in your hair', he says. That makes me blush, but I don't want to look weak and easy-to-get to him.
'You jerk', I state. He smiles and comes to me.
'You still love me though', he says, while kissing my cheek. I sigh. 'And I just don't get why', I say joking. Peeta chuckles.

'Here, come on, I'll teach you', he then says and he takes both my hands. He skates backwards and he pulls me with him. We start off slowly and it goes actually very well. I like the comfort that Peeta gives me and he gives me a confident feeling that I like. He keeps on saying sweet little things to me.

'You're getting better, Kat, you're going very good', he says. I smile and concentrate on my moves, still a little unsure about whether I'm gonna fall or not.
'Hey, you do have to smile, when you're having fun. Unless you're not having fun at all', he says, smirking.
I look up from the ice, and see his clear blue eyes. I smile, just realizing that I had a very concentrate and almost angry look on my face.
'I'm sorry, just a little nervous', I say, returning my glance to the ice. Peeta chuckles and stops skating, waiting for me to come to him.
I finally get to him and he wraps his arms around my waist.
'Don't be scared, it's going well', he says. He gives me a loving smile. A smile that looks like it's only meant for me. A smile that holds more than hundred words. A smile that I love so much. A smile that makes me forget everything around me. A beautiful smile.
'Still having fun?' he asks. I nod. 'Lots of fun', I say. He wraps his arms tighter around me and kisses my cheek.
'I love you so much, Katniss Everdeen', he says suddenly. I look at him and feel a warmth racing through my body. Even my toes get hot. I can't help but smile.
'Prove it', I say with a smirk. He chuckles and leans in. He kisses me on the lips and he uses his hands in a way that I feel my stomach tickling, something that I've never felt before.
I pull apart and smile at him.
'I love you too, Peeta Mellark', I say finally. Peeta lets out a relieved moan.
'I thought you were never gonna say it', he says. I smirk and kiss him on his weak spot.

'I want something warm now', I say. He chuckles. 'Aren't I hot enough for you?' he asks smirking. I laugh now.
'Of course you are, but I would like a hot drink or something', I say. Peeta nods and kisses my nose.
'I'll be right back', he says. I nod and waddle back to the edge of the rink. I lean against it and wait untill Peeta comes back.

I think about the feeling I just had. It was weird, but also satisfying. I felt like I wanted more, but in a weird way. I lay my hand on my stomach, where I felt the weird feeling. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the amazing scent of hot chocolate. It's close. I look around and see Peeta coming towards me with two cups of the hot, sweet, brown liquid.

'That smells great', I say. He smiles and hands me one of the cups. I take a sip and smile to the boy who makes me smile even more every single day.
'It would only been better of you made it yourself', I say smirking. He looks at me.
'I know', he says. I roll my eyes. 'Don't get cocky now', I say. He chuckles and I take another sip.

We skate, talk, laugh, kiss and drink hot chocolate for another 2 hours, but then my feet hurt. I take off the skates and put on my own shoes again. Peeta offeres to carry me, but that goes too far.
Once we're in the car, I close my eyes and relax.

'Don't fall asleep yet, baby. We're going somewhere else', Peeta says. I look up at him and he has a mysterious smile on his face. I look outside the window, trying to recognize where we're going.

On the way, we pick up some fastfood, wich I like a lot. I laugh when Peeta has a whipe of ketchup. We're driving further and I see that we're getting uphill. I frown. Where are we going?
'Peeta... What are you're plans?' I ask. I hear him laugh. 'You just have to sit still and be beautiful', he says. I roll my eyes.
'And how do I do that?' I ask teasingly. He smiles short at me.
'You sit still if you don't move, and for being beautiful, you don't have to do any work. You're already beautiful', he says. I blush and smile.
He's so goofy. I love it.


Feel the love? I do.
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Love, -xxx-

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