Chapter 22: Truth Odair... Again.

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Peeta P.O.V.

It doesn't take long for Katniss to fall asleep. I stare into the darkness. I don't allow myself to sleep, I have to protect my girl. I really don't want her to go to New York, she has to stay with me. I know that's selfish but I think that she also wants to stay with me. I hope.

I can feel my eyelids getting heavier. I allow myself to close them for a minute and before I know it, I have fallen asleep.

The next day I wake up, and the other side of the bed is empty. I panick at first, but then I hear a sweet voice singing downstairs. I sigh in relief and get out of bed. I sneak downstairs and stand in the doorway of the kitchen. Katniss is singing beautifully. I like the sound of her voice.

She is baking something. She turns around and is scared when she sees me. I giggle a bit.

'Did I scare you?' I ask. She laughs and nods. 'I was making pancakes', she says. I walk up to her and look at the stove. I frown. 'Pancakes? All I see are black circles', I say laughing. She smiles and blushes. 'I think I should letting the cooking over to you', she says. I nod and start making new pancakes.

After breakfast am I in the bedroom. I am placing my books in my bag, when the phone rings.

'Hello?' I say.
'Hey, bro, with Finnick', I hear.

'Hey, Fin, what's up?' I ask.
'Annie and I are throwing a party tonight, are you guys coming?'
'Yes, sounds fun.'

'Alright, see you at school then', he says.

'Yeah, seeya', I say and hang up.

I hear Katniss' little footsteps walk out of the bathroom.

'Who was that?' she asks. 'It was Finnick', I say as I'm turning around. 'What did he have to say?' Katniss asks while she's brushing her hair. 'He was asking if we're coming to his party tonight', I say. She smiles.

At school, Katniss and I are surrounded by Finnick the whole day, who is talking only about his party. I have to sneak with her out of the school sometimes, to steal one or two kisses from her.

At night, Katniss is with me. She's getting ready in the bathroom, I can hear the shower. Then the doorbell rings. I walk downstairs and open the door. Gale.

'Hey, man', he says. 'Hey', I answer. I know that he took care of Katniss, but I still don't like him. I should've taken care of Katniss. That's my job.
Katniss told him the adress of the beachhouse. He sits down on the couch, waiting for us to get ready.
I walk upstairs and go into the bedroom. Katniss looks at me, standing in front of her closet.

Yes, she got her own closet already, crazy, huh?

'Gale?' she asks. I nod.

Then I realize that she's standing with only a towel around her.

Okay, dude, whatever you do, DON'T BLUSH!

I can feel the heat spreading around my face.

No, man, I said DON'T!

I quickly look away. 'I'll wait downstairs', I say as I turn around and walk back to Gale.

Katniss comes down after a bit and we go to Finnicks party.

'Who's ready for some TRUTH ODAIR?' he yells.

Of course, that's Finnick.

We all sit in a circle and Finnick starts, of course. 'Truth Odair... Peeta', he says. I roll my eyes.

Why me?

'Truth', I say. Finnick looks bored. He likes it more when somebody takes dare, or Odair.

'How many times have you thought about sex with Katniss?', he asks. My eyed widen. I see that Annie slaps him on the shoulder.
'Eh...', I start. My cheeks start to warm up. 'Come on, don't let that boy suffer like that', Annie says. I don't know what to say. I look at Katniss. She looks down, with red cheeks. I look at Finnick, he keeps smiling.

Come on, Finnick.

Annie slaps him again. She gives him a look that does change Finnicks mind.

'Alright, I'll make it easier. Ehm... What is your most embarassing story you have of yourself?' he asks. Now my cheeks heat up even more. I don't want them to know about my mother. I look at Katniss again. She's thinking the same.

Why do we always have to play this game? I start to hate it.

'I eh...', I start. 'My most embarrassing sorry...'

Then I remember something my nephew once told me about his best friend. I can just pretend that it's my story!

'When I was young, my eldest brother once took my clothes away from the bathroom, when I was in the shower. He ran out of the door, and I ran just after him, naked', I say.

The group starts to laugh and Katniss smiles at me.

I sigh in relief. Thank God.


Hello! I know that this chapter also wasn't very great, but I have some cool ideas for this story.
Let me know what you thought!
Love, -xxx-

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