Chapter 10: The Kiss

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Katniss P.O.V.

I couldn't help myself, I just had to kiss him.

Those beautiful blue eyes, that body, that hair, his words. Everything...

I pull apart from the kiss and look at him.

'I... Eh... I'm sorry', I stutter. Peeta smiles. 'Don't be. I wanted to do that too, I was just not brave enough', he says. I blush.

There's a awkward tension between us. I don't know what to do or what to say.

'I eh... Think I should go home', I say eventually. He looks at me and nods.
'I'll walk with you', he says. I nod.

We stand up and start walking towards my home.

By the frontdoor we stand still. I look at him.
'So... I guess I'll see you monday?' Peeta asks. I nod.

Say something!

But my mouth doesn't work. It just stays closed.

Peeta nods at me and turns around. He starts walking.

Come on! Do something! You don't want him to leave!

'Peeta!' I yell. He turns to me. 'Yeah?'

I walk towards him. When I'm in front of him, my arms wrap automatically around his neck. At first, he's surprised, but then he hugs me back.

'Thank you, for this great night', I whisper. 'No problem', Peeta says.

We pull apart and now he does walk away. I sigh. I go into my house. I close the door and lean my forehead onto it.

Those lips... They were so soft, so gentle. I smile by the thought.

'You're late', I hear suddenly. I quickly turn around and look into the evil eyes of my mother.
'It's half past eleven', she continues. I look at her.
'I was safe. Peeta brought me home', I say, even though I know that she doesn't care about my safety.

'Was that Peeta?' she asks. I nod. 'What a doucebag', she says.

My eyes widen.
How dare she?

'You don't even know him!' I yell. 'I don't want to!' my mother yells back mocking my voice. Like I said, she's acting like a teenacher.

'Plutarch has a nephew, he comes over tomorrow and I want you to be nice to him', she says. Plutarch is the rich boyfriend of my mother.
'Why?' I ask. 'Just do as I say, dammit!' she yells. I roll my eyes and walk past her.

'Did I say you could go?' she asks.
'No, but I did, and the last time I checked, this was my body with my mind', I say without looking at her.

I walk up the stairs, go to my room and shut the door.

I change my clothes into my pyjamas and crowl under the blankets. I sigh.
Then I think about Peeta. A smile appears on my face.

He was so sweet. But, I cut him off really short. Are we more than friends now?

I close my eyes and fall asleep thinking about the kiss.

Peeta P.O.V.

I walk into the bakery, up to the stairs, into the livingroom.
My mother is laying on the couch.
'I'm home', I say. She doesn't look at me.
'Where were you?' she asks. 'At the movies, with Katniss', I say.

'With that ugly girl?' I shake my head. 'She's not ugly. And you don't know her, so you don't have the right to say anything about her', I say threatening.

Now she looks at me. Her eyes stand angry, as usual.

'I don't want you to be around her', she says as she's coming towards me.
'Why not?' I ask. 'We're a good family', she starts.

What you call good...

'We have a good family tree, and we are people from the higher stand', she continues. I roll my eyes.

'And that girl can bring our family into a dangerous social situation.'
I look at her.
'I don't care. It's my choice, you don't have a say in who I'm friends with, and who I like', I say. She smiles devilishly.

'You like her? Well, I'm gonna make sure that she won't be a danger', she says.

And there it is. She slaps me. Right in the face. And another time, on my head. I fall on my knees to the ground. I feel a foot on my back, that kicks me further down. Then I feel a kick in my stomach. And one on my head, and then everything is black.


Ahww, poor Peeta...
So, what did you think about this chapter? Let me know!
Love, -xxx-

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