Chapter 48: Trouble

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Peeta P.O.V.

I'm at the town hall with my dad and my two brothers. My mom is at her sister's.
'So, you want to devorce?' the man behind the counter asks. My dad nods.
'Is your wife here too?' he asks. My dad shakes his head this time. 'No, she doesn't know we're doing this', he says. The man frowns. 'You see the face of this boy?' my dad asks, referring to me. The man nods. 'My wife did that. She has done it multiple times. This can't go on any longer', he says. The man nods again. 'I see', he says, searching through some papers.

My dad had to sign some papers and the others will be sended to my mom. I hope she signs them soon, so she can get out of my life.

I'm gonna prepare Katniss' birthday this week, because exactly today in a week she will become 18.
I'm gonna do something special. I don't know what yet, but Annie said she'd help me.

Katniss P.O.V.

Amy and I stay at the beachhouse for a while. Amy loves the paintings she and Peeta made.
'He's just so talented!' she says. I nod. 'Yeah, he has magic in his fingers', I say. She smiles. 'Did you two already...?' she asks suddenly. I slap her playfully on the arm.
'Amy! You don't ask such a thing', I say, blushing. 'Oh, come on, Kat. Did you or didn't you?' she asks. I sigh.
'Maybe...', I mumble. She squeals. 'That's great! Did it hurt? Did you use protection? Was it nice? How was he?' she babbles. I cut her off.
'Eh... Let me think. Yes, yes, yes, and none of your business!' I say. She rolls her eyes laughing.
'What about you?' I ask. She frowns. 'Did you do "it" already?' I ask. She shakes her head. 'No, I've never had a boyfriend that serious', she says. I nod in understanding.

'Shall we go to the mall?' I ask. She nods. 'Yeah, sounds good', she says.
Maybe I can get one more lingerie set...

Amy and I walk out of the beachhouse, I lock it and we go off to the mall.

When we get there, we first get some Starbucks. We order our coffee and sit on one of the benches.
'Let's take pictures in that photo booth', Amy says, pointing to the photo booth at the other side of the hallway. I nod. 'Yeah, let's do that', I say and we both get up.

We take some nice pictures, but also some weird ones. We have to laugh a lot. I really like Amy. I think she could be one of my best friends.

When we get out of the booth, we go to some clothes stores and we buy lots of things.
I tell Amy that I want to go to the lingerie store. She smirks at me.
'Planning on anything fun tonight?' she asks. I roll my eyes. 'None of your business', I repeat. She chuckles and goes to the store with me.

I want a real set this time, not just a bra and panties. I asks the girl behind the counter what she would advise.
'This one I think will look really pretty on you', she says friendly. I look at the lingerie. It's deep red and it has some black straps and bows on it. I like it.
'It gives a little mysterious twist because you have dark hair', she tells me. Amy comes to me and looks at it.
'That one is really pretty', she says. I nod. 'I take it', I say and the girl smiles.

'That'd be $14,95 please', she says. I give her the money and walk out of the store. But just then, I bump into someone.
'Watch out!' I say. I look up and see a familiar face smirking at me.
'Calm down, Kitty, it's just me', Gale says. I smile at him. 'Sorry', I say. He looks at the store we just came out of.
'Having plans, Kat?' he asks. I slap him on the arm. 'Shut up; Gale', I say. But he's not done yet. 'Is it for me?' he asks smirking. I frown. Why would he think that? He knows I'm with Peeta.

'No, of course not', I say, rolling my eyes. Gale puts on his puppy-face. 'Why not? I bet I can make you moan harder that that bakers boy', he says. My jaw drops and I slap him again, harder this time. 'Gale! Behave yourself!' I say irritated. How can he say such a thing? He's crazy, I swear.

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