Chapter 27: Weird Acting

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Katniss P.O.V.

It's quite okay in New York. I've had already made some friends at school, and Mathew also isn't too bad for me. Actually, he's been acting a little weird lately. He's giving me a lot of attention and does whatever I want him to do.

It's almost 4 o'clock and Mathew can be home any minute.
At exactly 4 o'clock I hear the door opening.
'Katniss, I'm home!' I hear Mathew yelling. I walk into the kitchen where he is standing.
'Hi', I say. 'Hey, how are you?' he asks. I hold up my shoulders. 'Quite okay I guess', I say. He smiles at me.

'I'm gonna take a shower, I'll be right back', he says. I nod and sit down on the couch. I think about Peeta. I'm about six weeks away now, but it feels like forever. I may sound like I don't care that much, but it's really heartbreaking to know that he's so far away.

I hear the shower turning off and Mathew walks in. He wears a sweatpants and a T-shirt, wich make me think of Peetas muscles.
Mathew sits down next to me and looks at me.
'What did you do today?' he asks. He asks that question almost everyday.
'Been to school, have done my homework and I've called Peeta', I say. Mathews face looks a bit down when I bring up Peeta. If my eyes are not messing with me, I think he's jealous. I'm really not in the mood for some romantic trouble.

'How was he?' he asks. I nod. 'He misses me. And I miss him', I say. Mathew sighs.
'Maybe you should stop contacting him for a while', he says. I frown at him. 'Excuse me?' I ask. He doesn't look at me.

'You know, at first I felt really bad for having you here. But when we lived here for a while, I started to get feelings for you. And I don't want to stand between you and Peeta, but you're not with him. You're with me, and I think it's time for both of you to move on', he says. My jaw drops.

How dare he? I thought he had feelings for me, but I wouldn't think he would stop me from contacting my boyfriend.

'Listen, I like you too, okay? You're funny and kind and you can cook very well, but I'm in love with Peeta. I want to be with him and the only reason I'm staying here is because of your study. So you don't have the right to say anything about Peeta or my feelings!' I say. I stand up and walk straight to my room. I shut the door and lay on my bed.

I'm so angry right now! I wish Peeta could just be here and take me home.

I grab my phone and start typing Peetas number.

'Katniss?' I hear his voice say. I feel tears getting up my eyes.
'Yeah, it's me. Look, I really miss you and Mathew starts to act weird and...', I say but Peeta cuts me off.
'What did he do to you? Did he hurt you?' I hear him ask nervously.
'No, no, he didn't. He just... Eh... Said that he had feelings for me', I say quietly.
'He did what?! I knew it! Katniss, please, come home', he says.
'I really want to, Peeta, but I just can't. Not yet', I say with more tears in my eyes.

It's quiet for a minute.
'You... You love him, don't you?' Peeta asks.
I'm really surprised by his confession.
'What? No! Of course not! Why would you think that?' I ask.

'Well... You said he told you he loved you, and you said you couldn't come home yet. I guess my mind is living its own life', he says.
'It's okay. But I love only you, Peeta. But the situation here is just more complicated. I'll explain to you when the time's right', I say. I hear nothing for a moment.

'Yeah. Just don't let him touch you, okay?' Peeta says finally. I smile to myself at the thought of Peeta being so protective over me.
'I promise', I say.
'Okay, guess I'll speak to you later?' Peeta asks. 'Yeah, sounds fun', I say.

Peeta once more asks me to stay safe, actually he begs me, and then he hangs up.

I lay on my back, trying to figure out what to do now.

Peeta P.O.V.

I am really angry at that Mathew. He shouldn't told Katniss about his feelings. He knows she's with me. I think he's trying to convince her. I feel so worthless out here. I have to keep her safe from him.

I walk downstairs, where Finnick and Annie are watching a movie. Finnick is the first one to see me.
'Hey, man', he says. 'We have to get her out of there', I say. He frowns at me and Annie also looks confused.

'What are you talking about?' she asks. 'That Mathew is not trustworthy', I say. Finnick stands up and walks up to me.
'Peeta, dude, what's wrong?' he asks. 'Mathew told her that he had feelings for her. I don't like the idea of her being alone with him', I say.

Annie also stand up and places her hand on my shoulder.
'We're going to get her back', she says.
'But how?' Finnick asks.
'I'm going after her', I say resolute. Finnick eyebrows rise and Annie looks confused.
'But what about school?' Annie asks. I frown at her.

'I don't care! I have to get my girl back', I say. She nods.
'We're going with you', Finnick says. I smile to them.
'Thanks guys', I say.

I walk upstairs and start packing my bags. I want to leave as soon as possible.


Hello guys.
So, Peeta is going after Katniss! How do you guys think it'll went? Let me know!
Love, -xxx-

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