Chapter 5: The Party

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Katniss P.O.V.

After history, we have math. Annie, Finnick, Johanna and Gale are also in this lesson. We're sitting in the back of the class, and I'm next to Annie. Finnick is next to Peeta.

Then I feel a poke on my back. I look behind.
'I'm having a party at my house tonight. Are you guys coming?' Finnick asks. I look at Annie, and she's just smiling at Finnick. 'We're there', I whisper. I look at Peeta. He blushes and looks at his notes.
'Can Peeta come too?' I ask. He looks up at me and blushes even more. Finnick looks at him, then looks back at me.
'Of course. He's part of the group now', he says. I smile relieved, and so is Peeta. 'Thanks, man', he says. Finnick winks at him.

'Ladies and gentlemen in the back, pay attention, please', the teacher says suddenly. I quickly lok at my notes and pretend like I was paying attention.

When school's out, Annie and I go to the mall.
'I really have nothing to wear!' Annie yells. I roll my eyes. 'Annie, you always look good. Why so stressed? Do you like somebody?' I ask. Annie starts to blush a little. I'm getting a little suspicious.
'Is it...', I start, but Annie interrupts me. 'No! I'm not in love with Peeta, if that's what you mean', she says. Now I'm starting to blush... 'Then, who is it?' I ask. Annie looks at some dresses. 'It's... Ehh...', she starts. 'Oh, come on, Annie.' She sighs. 'Finnick', she says finally. I'm not really surprised. 'Well, I know for sure he likes you too', I say. She smiles at me. 'You think so?' she asks. I walk over to her and lay my hand on her shoulder. 'I know so', I say. She smiles shyly at me and looks at some dresses.

'This one! This one is soooo pretty for you!' she yells. I walk over to her and look at the dress. It's white, and it's fluffy. 'Try it on', she pushes. I roll my eyes and take the dress into one of the fittingrooms. I just do as Annie says, if she wants something, she'll do everything to get it. So it spares a lot of time. I take off my clothes, and put on the dress.

'Ready?' Annie asks. 'Yeah', I say. I come out of the fittingroom and Annie's jaw drops. 'O my God, Katniss. You're so beautiful! You must buy this one. Peeta will not believe his eyes!' she yells. I smile and blush. 'Annie, as I told you, I'm gonna try to be friends with Peeta. Just friends, okay?' I say. Annie rolls her eyes. 'Yeahright, Kat, you almost faint when you see him. And you're wanna be friends with him?' she says. I nod. She laughs in disbelief. I buy the dress and start walking home, with Annie.

When I'm home, I eat some macaroni, put on the dress, do my hair, put on some make-up and help Annie with her stuff. After that we're almost ready to go.

'You're gonna talk to Finnick?' I ask. She holds up her shoulders. 'I don't know', she says. 'You have to, otherwise you two keep turning around eachother', I say. She smiles. 'Well, let's go, then I can take my man for me', she says laughing. I laugh even harder and step outside the door.

Peeta P.O.V.

I walk around Finnicks livingroom. Back and forth, back and forth.

Why am I so nervous?

'Peeta, please! Just sit down, or throw up, but stop walking, I'm going crazy because of you!' Finnick screams. I look at him. He stands against the wall, smiling. I laugh a little.

'You're nervous to see Katniss, huh?' he asks. 'Shut up', I mumble. Finnick laughs. 'Why don't you just tell her how you feel?' he asks. 'Are you crazy? I just know you guys for only one day. How am I supposed to tell her that I'm going crazy everytime I see her?' I say. Finnick rolls his eyes. 'It's not a matter of time, dude. I could see the way see looked at you when you first came to our class. She clearly likes you', he says. I start to blush.

Then the bell rings. Finnick runs up to the door.
'Hey, dude!' he yells. He said 'dude' so it can't be Katniss. I see Gale walking into the room. 'Hey, Peeta', he says. I nod at him. A couple minutes later the bell rings again. Now it's Johanna. I'm getting more and more nervous.

Dude, you wanted to be friends with her. Act like it then!

The bell rings again. Now it has to be Katniss! And I'm right. Annie walks in first, and then Katniss walks in.

Keep your jaw up, friend!

She looks so beautiful... The dress she's wearing fits her perfectly. Her hair flows as she walks and the make-up compliments her face, even though I think she doesn't need any make-up.

'H- hi', I stutter as she walks to me. 'Hey', she says smiling. I don't know what to say, but I don't have to, because Finnick starts to yell.
'Let's partyyyy!' he screams. He puts on some music and he and Gale start to dance. It looks pretty funny and Katniss starts to laugh. I quicly look at Finnick to hide my blush, because I love hearing her laugh.

After we've danced a lot Finnick starts to cream again.
'Okay, everyone together, we're going to play some Truth Odair', he says. I look at Katniss. She's rolling her eyes and she sighs. 'Truth Odair is Finnicks version of Truth or Dare. But he comes up with the weirdest tasks and the most awkward questions', she says. I sigh.

Please, Finnick, spare me.

We all sit in a circle and Finnick looks amused at me. 'Truth Odair... Katniss', he says.

Here we go...

Katniss P.O.V.

I look at Finnick. 'Eh... Truth?' I say shyly. Finnicks smile gets even bigger when he lets the words out of his mouth.
'How many guys have you slept with?' he asks. I look at him in disbelief.

Is he serious? He's kidding me, right?

I look around the circle and see everyone looking at me and waiting. 'Eh...', I start. I don't dare looking at Peeta. 'None', I mumble. I look at Finnick. I know he doesn't care about the answer, he just did it for Peeta. I know him too well. I quickly look at Peeta, and he's just smiling. I think he's happy with the answer. But why?

'My turn', I say. I look around the circle. 'Truth Odair... Peeta', I say shyly. He looks at me. I don't know if I want to know this, but I have to ask.

'What's the name of your girlfriend?' I ask. He looks at me, and I can see that he's confused, and a bit scared...



I hope you guys liked the chapter. I'm really in love with the Truth Odair game so I had to put it in here. I hope you liked it.
I still want to know your ideas. Let me know!

Love, -xxx-

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