Chapter 57: Shock

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Katniss P.O.V.

I'm shocked. I see those eyes and all I think is: I want to run away.
'Katniss', Amy starts, but I interrupt her. 'What are you doing here?' I ask, walking into Amy's house. The boy smiles at me.
'Well, hello there Katniss', he says. That voice. Those eyes. His hair. This is Mathew Heavensbee.
'Shut up, I asked you a question', I say. He looks me right in the eye.
'I wouldn't want to miss the prom and graduation of my sweet, little sister', Mathew says. My eyebrows form a frown. I turn my head to look at Amy.
'Sister?' I ask. She looks at the ground. My eyes widen. I look back at Mathew. I really don't know what to say.

'Are you okay, Katniss?' Mathew asks, stepping closer to me. 'Stay away!' I immediately say. He stops walking and holds his hands up. 'Katniss, relax, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not even here for you. I'm here for Amy, just as I said', he says. I try to relax, but I really can't.

Then it hits me. Amy. Mathew. My mother. That's why she was so easy about me being with Peeta, because Amy would tell her everything about me!
My jaw drops. I turn around to face Amy.

'You! It was you! You only became friends with me because of Mathew and my mother! How could you?' I ask almost screaming. Amy starts shaking her head. 'No, Katniss, that's not true. It was, at first, but then I got to know you and I forgot about that all!' she says. I stop her.
'You were only at the hospital to spy on me. Not because you were really worried', I say coldly. 'No! I was really worried! I was! You're my friend, Katniss', she says. I shake my head and look at the ground.
'Tell that to someone who believes it', I say and without any other word, I leave.

'Katniss, please!' I hear Amy yell at me, but I act like I don't hear her. I get into my car and drive home. When I am at the parking spot in front of the beachhouse, I break down. I can't believe this. I really trusted Amy. She was my friend. I liked her. But it was all an act. It was a good one, I really believed that she was true to me. I get out of my car and get into the house. I walk to the livingroom and sit down on the couch. I grab a pillow and hold onto it really tight. I stare in front of me and I find a single tear slipping down my cheek.

I hear footsteps on the stairs. Peeta. I don't want him to see me like this. I wipe my cheeks quickly before I hear his soft, sweet voice.
'Katniss?' I turn around to face him, hoping that I look normal. But I don't. Peeta walks over to me and sits in the same position as he sat in a few hours ago.
'Baby, what happened?' he aks worried. I feel a new tear in my eye. 'Amy', is all I can bring out. He frowns. 'What did she do?' he aks. 'M- M- Mathew', I stutter. His glance turns angry.
'What does he have to do with Amy?' he asks. 'He's her brother', I say coldly. His eyes widen. 'You mean, like blood-related?' he asks. I nod. He stands up and sits back down on the couch next to me. He wraps his arm around me and I rest my head onto his shoulder.

'She was spying on me the whole time. That's why she became friends with me. Not because she really liked me. Damn, I feel so stupid', I say, more to myself than to Peeta. He sighs. 'You're not stupid, Kat. You couldn't know. No one saw a thing. Even Johanna trusted her, and Johanna doesn't trust anyone that fast', he says. I remain silent.

Peeta P.O.V.

I feel so bad for my Katniss. She really liked Amy. But there's a thing that I just don't understand. It didn't look like an act, of course, but she was so honest, to me.
'But, I don't think it was all an act', I suddenly say. Katniss looks up at me in confusion.

'When you were in the hospital, she was there a lot of times. Even more than Annie. And I just can't believe that that wasn't truthful. She was so caring, and sweet to you. I even caught her one time talking to you', I say. She frowns. 'What did she say?' she asks. And I tell her the memory.

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