Chapter 33: Asking

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Katniss P.O.V.

I'm walking through the school. Peeta has economy now, and I have a free hour. Everywhere I look are people preparing things for the schools prom.
Ouch, that's nothing for me, really.

I walk through the cantine, where I see Annie and Johanna. I smile and walk towards them.

'Hey guys', I say. Annie looks at me and smiles. I sit down next to her.
Johanna looks at the poster of the prom. 'That prom... Ouch', she says. I laugh. 'Yeah, I'm really not in the mood for that', I say. Annie sighs.
'Come on, girls. It'll be fun!' Annie says. Of course, Annie is crazy about that kind of stuff.
'You have Finnick, Kat has Peeta, but I'll be alone!' Johanna says. I laugh. 'You'll find someone. Enough boys want you, but you keep rejecting them', Annie says. Johanna rolls her eyes and looks at me.

'Hey, Kat. Where's your soul mate?' she asks smirking. I start blushing, because I know she's mentioning Peeta.
'He has economy', I say. 'I don't think so', Annie says giggling. I frown at her and just at that moment, I feel two strong arms around me and a kiss on my cheek. I start to blush immediately.

'Hey gorgeous', he whispers. I smile and look at my friends, who are whispering and giggling with eachother. I roll my eyes and look at Peeta.
'Hi hun', I say.

What? Hun? I never call him that!

I blush even more, out of shame.
Peeta chuckles and kisses my cheek again, before he sits next to me. He smiles at me and holds my hand.
'How was economy?' I ask. He holds up his shoulders. 'Quite okay. Bit boring without my girl', he says. I smile, but Annie and Johanna start making sounds that prove that they don't like our goofy talk.

I don't care about them and kiss him.
He smiles into the kiss and pulls me closer.
'Oh please, cut the kisses', Johanna says. I chuckle and pull apart.

I look at Johanna while Peeta wraps his arms around me.
'What do we have next period?' Annie asks. 'English', I say. Annie rolls her eyes. The bell rings and we start to walk to class.

As soon as Finnick sees Annie, they start to kiss. The teacher has to pull them apart and the lesson starts.


After school, Peeta is at the bakery and I'm at the mall, with Annie.
'Is this something?' Annie asks. I look at the top she's holding. It's dark blue with a sweetheart neckline.
'I like it', I say and she throws the top at me.

'Did... Did Peeta ask you already?' Annie asks when we're walking around. I frown at her. 'What do you mean?' I ask in return. She doesn't look at me.
'You know... For prom?' she asks. I think. 'No, he didn't. But he doesn't have to right, we're a couple, it's obvious that we're going together', I say. But I doubt my own statement.
Annie keeps looking at the stores.
'Finnick asked me over for tonight, and I think he's gonna ask me', she says. Then she looks at me. 'But you're probably right', she says quickly.

Maybe I'm not. Maybe it's not that obvious that Peeta and I are going together. Maybe he won't even ask me. But, I don't care, right? I don't care about prom... I think.

'Hey, Katniss!' I hear and I come back to reality. I look around me and see Annie standing a little while from me. 'You suddenly stopped', she says laughing. I blush and walk to her. She looks at the store behind me and starts smiling. I want to turn around to see what she's looking at, but before I know it, she pulls me with her, into the store.
I can just see the name, Panem secret...

I walk into the store with Annie and I get why she was smiling. It's a lingerie store.
'Annie, why are we here?' I ask. She smirks at me. 'We're going to buy us some nice things', she says. Us?
She starts walking along the sets and I just bump behind her.
'What do you think of this?' she asks, as she hold up a black bra, with blue dots. Annie shakes her head. 'No, that's nothing', she mumbles. I feel a little uncomfortable.
'Annie, what's the meaning of all this?' I ask. Annie turns around and looks at me. 'The eye also wants something, Katniss. Even Peetas eyes', she says, smiling. I immediately get a stomachache.

She starts walking again, but I stop her.
'Peeta and I are not on that stage yet. We didn't even go further than his hands on my waist', I mumble. Annie looks at me. 'Oh, I'm sorry, Kat. I thought... You know...', she stutters. I blush a little and she does too, we have to laugh about it.

'But, why not?' Annie asks. I hold up my shoulders. 'Don't know. I feel like Peeta's going to be dissatisfied or disappointed when he sees my body. I'm insecure and my chest isn't that big', I say, looking at the ground. Annie sighs. She places her hands on both my shoulders.
'Katniss, Peeta loves you. I see that. He won't be disappointed. But, you have to do what feels good to you', she says. I look up to her.
Annie lets me go and hold up another bra. A red one with lace.
'But it won't hurt to just buy one of these', she says smirking. Now I have to laugh.
'Plus, you don't just buy it for him, you also buy it for yourself', Annie finishes. Now I'm convinced. I sigh and walk around the store, looking at the lingerie.

Annie's right. I should do what feels good to me. And I didn't say that I didn't want to go further with Peeta, I'm just afraid.

I look at a bra. It's turquoise one, also with lace and a black bow in the middle. I like it. I turn around to Annie.
'How's this one?' I ask a little embarrassed. She looks at me and smiles. 'It's very pretty! I like it, and I know for sure that Peeta will like it too, when he gets to see it', she says, winking. I laugh and hold the bra with me.

At some point, I have three sets of lingerie. The turquoise one, a black one with a red pattern, and a white one, with gold hearts. I really like them. Annie also has some sets, but they're much more defiant. 'Finnick likes them a little more daring', she said. I had to laugh when she said that.

We're walking home, talking. I have four bags with clothes, hiding the one from the lingerie store. We stop at the beachhouse.
'I'm gonna go. Don't rush into anything, okay? Just, do what feels good', Annie says. I nod and hug her.
'Thank you', I whisper. She smiles and me and walks away. I get into the house and store my clothes in my closet. I lay the lingerie in my drawer, hiding the bag there too. I look at the clock. 16:57. Peeta must be still at the bakery. I miss him. I look in the cabins. Maybe I can get some bread... I smile to my childish acting and start walking towards the bakery.


Ooeee, Katniss is a little insecure... So, what did you think of this chapter? Please let me know.
Love, -xxx-

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