Chapter 23: Losing Her

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Peeta P.O.V.

We're sitting on Finnicks couch. Talking. I'm so happy I didn't have to tell them about my mother or about my thoughts of Katniss... They're mine and only mine.

The doorbell rings. Finnick stands up and walks to the door.
'Where is she?' I hear a sharp, female voice say. I look around the group and see Katniss stiffened. I think she recognized the voice.

Oh no.

I hear some footsteps banging trough the kitchen, moving towards us.
'Where is she?!' I hear the woman yell. When she reaches us, she quickly looks around the circle, and her eyes linger on Katniss.
'There you are, you are coming with me, now', she says and she walks towards Katniss and pulls her up on her arm. Katniss starts walking with her.

No! You can't let her go! Do something!

'No!' I scream. I stand up and run to Katniss. I yank her arm and look at her mother.
'She's staying her', I say resolute. The eyes of the woman are cold, and angry.
'You don't have the right to say anything about her, so shut up and move', the woman says. Katniss is standing behind me. She holds my hand and I can feel her shiver.

'She's not in love with that Mathew, you're her mother, you should want the best for her', I say. The woman smiles.
'I want to help her, and that's why I found Mathew. He'll be good for her, don't worry', she says.

'I am good for her. I love her!' I say. I'm losing my temper right now.
The woman starts to laugh. 'Oh boy, you'll leave her. You'll hurt her someday. And I don't even know why I am having this discussion with you. She's coming with me, period', she says. She pulls Katniss away from me and starts walking out of the door. I run after her and try to get her back.

'She belongs with me!' I try. But Katniss' mom has already put Katniss in the car. I run to the car, trying to open the door. Locked, of course.

'I'll get you back!' I yell and place my hand on the window. Katniss does the same.

She looks devastated. So am I.

The woman gets into the car and starts the engine. The car starts driving away and I feel my heart getting away with it.

I stare at the direction where the car is already gone.

I lost her. I just got a girlfriend and I already lost her. I lost the love of my life. I just lost her.

I don't even realize that I'm sitting on the ground, until I feel my knees start to hurt.

I feel a pair of hands on my back and an pair of arms under my armpits.

The next moment I'm on a couch, and Finnick, Annie, Johanna, and Gale are staring at me.

'Is he alright?' I hear. 'What's wrong with him?' I hear a different voice say. I'm not there anymore. I'm away. Just as she is. I lost her.

'Peeta?' I hear. I open my eyes. I look into the deep green eyes of Annie. I look around me. I'm in a bedroom. The walls are dark green and there's a huge window next to the bed.

Annie looks relieved.
'How do you feel?' she asks. I stare at the wall. 'I lost her', is everything I say. She sighs and rubs my arm.
'I know, but we'll get her back, I promise', she says. I'm still staring at the wall.

'Do you want to eat something?' she asks. I shake my head. She doesn't say anything, she just leaves.

I don't want to eat. I don't want to sleep. I don't want to be awake. I don't want to think. I don't want to feel. I don't want to live. I only want her. And I lost her.


Oh no!
What now? Will Peeta get Katniss back? Or will Katniss live on and gets a (sort of) happy life with Mathew?
Let me know what you guys want!
Love, -xxx-

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