Chapter 39: Whores and Assholes

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Katniss P.O.V.

Peeta is standing in the middle of a group of girls, and I don't like that. He's my boyfriend, mine. And I don't want anyone to touch him but me. That's selfish, I know, but I don't care.
And it gets even better, Delly is all over him. I'm standing at the end of the hallway with Annie, looking at the disaster. Finnick is also surrounded by girls. Peeta and Finnick are the hottest and most handsome boys in Senior Year, maybe even in the whole school. So yeah, Annie and I aren't so happy.

'Let's go, I can't watch this any longer', Annie says. I nod in agreement and we walk into the classroom together. We sit next to eachother, instead of sitting next to the boys.
When they come in, they see it and sit next to eachother behind us. I feel a poke on my back and turn around. Peeta is looking at me.
'I'm sorry you saw that. I wanted to go to you, but I couldn't', he says. I look at his eyes. Why can't I be mad at those eyes for longer than one minute? I guess I have a weakness for them. I can't help but smile.
'It's okay, it's not your fault', I say. He smiles, leanes in and kisses my cheek gently. I turn around again and the rest of the lesson, I'm just smiling like a dumbass.

When we have a break, we're sitting outside in the sun. It's May after all.
'I'm gonna get some water', Finnick says and he stands up. 'I'm going with you', I say. I have to tell him now. We walk into the school and Finnick buys a bottle of water.
'Hey, Finnick, I can help you', I say. He looks at me and gives me a questioning glance.
'Annie told me what her dream date would be, and I'm here to serve you that information', I say, smiling proudly. He pretends like he doesn't care that much, but I can see that he's happy that I'm gonna tell him this.

I tell him the story, of last night, but I leave the part where I tell about my dream date.
He's smiling like crazy when I'm done and suddenly hugs me.
'Thanks, Kat', he says. I smile at him. 'No problem, Finny', I say. We walk back to the others and I see that Finnick is staring at Annie, probably preparing her dream date.

That afternoon, Peeta and I are going to the bakery. He starts doing his work, and I'm upstairs, drinking the tea Peeta just gave me. Then Jake walks in.
'Oh, hey Katniss', he says. He sits down on a chair next to the couch I'm sitting on.
'We've met on a rough moment', he says. I nod. 'Peeta told me a lot about you', he says. I smile. 'He did?' Jake nods. 'Oh yeah, absolutely. He wouldn't shut up. "Katniss is so sweet." "Her eyes are so beautiful." "Her laugh is just so cute." Ahh, I thought I'd go crazy if you didn't start dating', he says. I start to blush.
'Okay, Jake, shut up now', I hear a familiar voice say. Peeta.

He comes in and sits down next to me.
'It wasn't like that', he says. 'Oh yes, it was. Don't start lying, just because your girl is here', Jake says. I just laugh. Peeta rolls his eyes and slaps Jake on the shoulder.
'Okay, okay, I'm already leaving', Jake says as he stands up.
'Bye, little brother', he says teasingly and he rolls his hands through Peetas hair. Peeta slaps away his hand and tries to fix his hair. Jake turns to me.
'Bye, Katniss, nice to see you', he says and then he walks out.

Peeta sighs. 'Asshole', he mumbles. I chuckle and lay my head on his shoulder.
'I like him', I say. Peeta looks at me. 'You like him?' he asks. I chuckle again. 'Relax, I like you so much more', I whisper. He smiles and relaxes.
He starts kissing my shoulder.
'Peeta...', I say softly. I hear him chuckle.
'Maybe we should eat something', I say, even though you can hear in my voice that I won't be the first one to stand up. Peeta kisses my shoulder again and then sighs.
'Yeah, you're right', he says. He stands up and holds out his hand. I nod and take his hand, a little disappointed to really stand up.
Peeta gets some cheese buns from the bakery and we eat together.
After that, Peeta stays at the bakery to take care of some things, and I'm going back to the beachhouse.
I think about Prim. I really miss her. I love spending time with Peeta, but I do miss my little sister and I even miss my mother! I think I should tell them that I'm back. Maybe a miracle happens and she'll let me stay.

I take a long shower and dress myself in one of Peetas big sweatshirts and lay myself on the bed. I let the scent scent of Peeta get into my nose. I smile. He smells like bread, paint, books and tea. How can someone get so much pleasure out of just a scent? But I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. I close my eyes. The thought of Prim slips into my head again. I want to see her. But I know it's too risky.

I let myself relax and soon I feel that I'm falling asleep.

Peeta P.O.V.

I'm coming home from a long day. I want to see my girl. I smile by the thought of that. Katniss is my girl. Mine...
I get home and walk around the house to look for my girlfriend.

Just then, I hear a terrified scream. I run upstairs and search where the scream came from. Then I hear it again. It's from the bedroom.
I open the door quickly and see Katniss screaming. But, she's asleep... Is she having a nightmare?
I run up to her and try to wake her up.
'Katniss, it's okay', I say repeatedly. But she keeps screaming. I rub her back, trying to comfort her.
'No, please, don't leave me', I hear Katniss say. There's a tear rolling down her face.
I don't know what she's talking about.
'Katniss, please, wake up', I say.
'Prim!' she yells. Her sister, of course. She misses her.
'No, don't hurt him!' she yells then. I frown. Him? Prim's a girl.
'Peeta!' she screams horrified. I look at her and I'm shaking her back and forth now.
'Katniss, shhh, Katniss, I'm here, right with you', I say. But she keeps screaming that I can't leave her and that nobody should hurt me.
'I'm not leaving you. I love you, please wake up', I say, a little desparated now.
No reaction.

How can I get her to wake up? I can't stand seeing her like this...


What's happening in Katniss' mind?
Do you have an idea? Let me know!
Love, -xxx-💝

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