Chapter 59: Prom

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Katniss P.O.V.

Tonight is prom. Finally. I've been looking out for this day more than I thought I would. I really want to see Peeta in his tux. I think he'll look so hot.
But it was the idea of Annie, to spend the day with the girls, without the boys seeing us. So we're at Annie's, and we all have a big bag with our stuff in it.

'Ah! I really can't wait!' Annie squeals, while curling Amy's hair. Amy laughs. 'Yeah, me too. I don't even have a date and even I'm excited', she says. I smile. Annie and I are the only ones with dates, but I think Gale likes Amy. He's been looking at her all the time lately. I hope it works out between them. That would make things a lot easier.

'Can somebody help?' Johanna asks, standing with her back towards us, pointing at her zipper. I walk over to her and zip her up. 'You look awesome, Jo. Really cool', I say. She smiles. 'I hate these kind of things, but I have to say, I like this dress', she says. I smile. She walks over to her bag and gets out her shoes.
'But these will be a bigger problem', she says. We all laugh. Johanna never walks on high heels. Never. But Annie insisted, ''because you only have prom once''. Those are her words.
'Done!' Annie says, referring to Amy's hair. Amy stands up and looks in the mirror. 'It's great, Annie. Thank you', she says. Annie smiles. She gets her dress out of her closet and holds it in front of her.

'You still think it's pretty?' she asks. We all nod. She smiles and puts it on.

We're meeting the boys at seven, and it's half past five currently. I just finished doing my make up and now I'm starting at my hair. I don't understand why it's so difficult for a girl. Finding the dress, the shoes, the accessories, doing the hair, the make up, and keeping everything in position the whole night. It's awful.
I want the time to move faster. I want to see Peeta. I want him to see me. I want him to say what he thinks of me. Will he find me beautiful? I really hope so.

When it's almost seven o'clock, I start to get nervous.
'Do we got everything?' Annie asks. She's even more nervous than I am.
'Yes, Annie, we do. We've checked it five times, we'll be okay', Johanna says, rolling her eyes. Annie sighs, trying to calm herself. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her.
'You look great, Annie. Just only think about this evening with you and Finnick', I say. Her eyes grow.
'Finnick! He'll be here in fove minutes, we have to hurry', she says, throwing my arm off of her.

We stay upstairs, until the boys are here. Finnick has a key, so we want them to see us all together.
After a few minutes, Annie gets a text from Finnick, that they're all here. We walk down the stairs, and I'm hoping that Peeta will think I'm beautiful.

Peeta P.O.V.

We're in Annie's livingroom, waiting for the girls to come down. She told me that Katniss would wear a red dress, so I'm wearing a red tie. Not to be cheesy, just to show that she's mine. I smile at the thought.

The door opens and I lose my breath. Just like I did on the day I first saw her.
She looks beautiful. Gorgeous. Hot. Wonderful. Magnificent. Just... I can't.
I feel a slap on my shoulder and I'm met with the smirking face of Finnick.
'Earth to Peeta', he says. I start to blush. 'You have something here', Finnick says, pointing to the corner of his mouth. I feel mine but don't find anything.
'What?' I ask. He laughs. 'Drool!' he yells. I roll my eyes. 'Asshole', I say under my breath. He just laughs harder.

I walk up to Katniss and see that she's blushing.
'You look beautiful. No, beautiful is not the right word. I can't find the right words', I say. She smiles.
'You don't look bad yourself too', she says. I smile and take her hand.
I look at the others.
'Ready?' I ask. They all nod. We head out, off to our prom.

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