Chapter 7: Delly

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Peeta P.O.V.

I walk through the school, thinking about last night. I said to Katniss that we're just friends. Now she thinks that I don't like her... But I keep my promise, I'm gonna be friends with her first, and see what happens.

'Watch out, you moron', I hear suddenly. I shake my head and look into some deep green eyes.
'Sorry', I mumble. But then I see it's Delly. She starts to smile and she steps forward to me.

'Hey Peeta', she says. I smile friendly to her, but I feel a little bit threatened.

'Hey, Delly', I say. 'What lesson do you have now?' she asks. 'English, you?' I say. 'Me too', she says.

Great. Just great.

'I'll walk with you', she says. I nod, because I know I don't have any other choice.

When we walk into the classroom, I can see Katniss talking to Annie.

Please, don't look at me. Please don't look.

But of course, the odds aren't in my favor. She looks. And I can see the expression on her face chance.


Katniss P.O.V.

'Why is he with Delly?' I ask Annie. She holds up her shoulders. 'Why do you care, you're friends, right?' she says with a smile. I roll my eyes.
'Yes, but I can ask?' I say. Annie shakes her head.

I look at Peeta. He's trying to get rid of Delly, and he comes towards us.
'Hey guys', he says. Finnick gives him a gentle slap on the shoulders and Annie greets him. I just nod at him.

Katniss, why are you acting like this? He's your friend. Don't be silly!

I force myself to smile at him.

'What was that with Delly?' Finnick asks. He holds up his shoulders. 'I bumped into her in the hallway, she insisted to walk to class with me', he says. I sigh in relief to myself.

When the school's out, I walk home alone. Peeta offered to walk with me, but I didn't want that. I don't want him to know about my mother and her new boyfriend. Some rich dude I don't like. He offers me money al the time and act like I'm stand-offish when I don't accept it. And my mothers act like she's a teenager. She's so in love, and I hate it.

I open the door and Prim runs into the kitchen.
'Katniss!' she yells. I smile to her and hug her.
I walk into the livingroom, where my mother and her 'boyfriend' sit together on the couch. I roll my eyes.
'Hello', I say. She looks at me. 'Hello Katniss', she says. I walk up the stairs, straight to my room.

I sigh deeply. 'Katniss? Are you alright?' Prim asks. She apparently followed me. I turn to her and sit down on my knees.
'Yes, sweetheart. Everything is okay', I say. She smiles. 'Do you like mommas boyfriend?' she asks. Wow, she's so young, but she understands more than I thought. 'Yes', I lie. 'Do you?' She nods. 'He's funny', she says. I smie to her and hug her again. Then she runs to her room, to play with her dolls.

I walk to my bed, and I let myself fall. I sigh. Then the thought of Peeta and Delly slips into my head. But I don't have a lot of time, because I hear the sound of my phone.

'Hey, Katniss.' Peeta.
'What's up?'
'Nothing, just wanted to know if you were home safe.'
Ahww. He really cares.
'Yes. I'm home.'
Come on! Not so detached!
'Can I treat you on a milkshake, tomorrow?' he asks. I smile to myself and I can feel my cheeks heat up. But fortunately he can't see that.

'Katniss?' I hear. I come back into the real world.
'Eh... Yes, that sounds fun', I say.
'Alright, tomorrow after school?' he asks. I want to nod, but he can't see that.
'Yes, alright', I say. Then he hangs up.


Soooo a shorter chapter this time.
I hope you don't mind
Leave me comments to let me know what you want to read!
Love, -xxx-

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