Chapter 21: Happy

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Katniss P.O.V.

I really liked what Peeta said. He was so sweet, again.

I'm still laying next to him on the couch. He's fallen asleep. He's so cute when he's asleep. I don't want to wake him, so I'm staying very still. I just look at him. 

How can a boy like him, be my boyfriend? Mine! I smile by the thought. 

I'm still staring at him. I just can't stop. I love looking at him. 

I move a little bit because my neck starts to hurt, but Peeta starts to moan. I quickly stop moving. But I'm too late; he opens his eyes and looks at me. 

'Hey, beautiful', he says with his low, male, and very sexy voice. 

I love his sleepy voice. 

'Hey', I say. He moves a little bit and looks around him. 'What time is it?' he asks. 'Eh, I think it's half pas eight p.m.', I say. Peeta frowns. 'Did I sleep that long?' he asks. I nod. 'What did you do?' I hold up my shoulders. 'Look at you', I say. He smiles. 'Do you want to eat something?' he asks. I nod. He stands up and walks into the kitchen. I walk after him and sit on the chair at the bar. He takes something out of the fridge and starts cooking. 

He can cook so well! 

After a few minutes there's a plate in front of me with rice and chicken. I take a bite and it's delicious. 

'Peeta, you have to give me some cooking lessons! This tastes to good!' I say. He blushes and chuckles. He sits next to me but doesn't have a plate. 

'Don't you wanna eat?' I ask. He shakes his head. 'Just looking at you is enough for me', he jokes. I roll my eyes. 'Seriously, you have to eat something too', I say. He sighs and I place some food on my fork, and feed him. He smiles and eats. 

After eating I want to swim. I change my clothes and walk into the soft, wet sand. Peeta comes after me and walks with me. I'm still not used to seeing his muscles. We walk into the cold sea and look at the sky. I'm feeling so good right now. 

'Have you made your homework yet?' Peeta asks suddenly. I frown at him. 'What?' He smiles and pulls me closer. 'First your homework, then other things', he says. I roll my eyes. I kiss him on his weak spot, then I pull myself away from him. 'Then I'm gonna make my homework now', I say and I start walking towards the beachhouse. 

'No, no, no! Stop!' Peeta yells. I smile but try to look serious. I hear him trying to run towards me but he falls. I turn around and help him stand up again. I have to laugh, and Peeta tries to look sad, but he fails. He puts his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to his body. 

'Okay, okay, I admit, I want you to be with me', he says. I smile and hug him. 'I love you', he whispers. I smile even bigger. 'I love you too', I say. And I mean it, I really love him. 

We swim for a while and when it's gets dark, we go back inside the beachhouse. We take a shower, and then we lay on his bed for a while. I lay with my head on his chest and feel his heart beating. I'm so glad that Peeta and I are together, otherwise I'd be in New York by tomorrow. I really hope that my mother just leaves me be with Peeta. 

I didn't realise I had closed my eyes. I quickly open them and shoot up. 

I don't want to sleep yet!

'What's wrong?' Peeta asks. 'Nothing, I just... I just don't want to sleep yet', I say blushing. Peeta smiles and gives me a kiss on my forehead. 

'You've had a rugh day, go to sleep', he says. I doubt it. I want to talk to him and just be with him, but I'm also very tired. I nod and lay back again. Peeta wraps his strong arms around me and I feel very protected. I close my eyes and let myself fall asleep. 


I know it's not very good but I had to have a middle. The next chapter will be more interesting! 
Love, -xxx-

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