Chapter 9: The Movies

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Katniss P.O.V.

Today, Peeta takes me to the movies. It's friday night and I'm standing in front of my mirror. Prim's sitting on my bed, looking at me.

'What do you think, Prim?' I ask. Prim studies me from my head to my feet. I'm wearing a T-shirt, with a skinny jeans, and a leather jacket and some boots.
'I think it's too dark for Peeta', she says. I laugh and take my jacket off.

This is so silly. He's not even my boyfriend, and I'm changing my outfit over and over again.

'What about this?' Prim says, she holds up a short, silver, tight skirt.
'Eh...', I say. 'Come on, put it on', Prim pushes. I roll my eyes and put the skirt on. I put some top above it and wear my high heels.

'That's so pretty!' Prim yells. I start to blush and smile to myself.

I walk downstairs and put on my coat. Peeta and I agreed to see eachother at the cinema.

'Katniss? What are you doing?' my mother asks. I look at her.
'I'm going to the movies, with Peeta', I say. She frowns.
'Who's Peeta?', she asks. 'A friend of me', I say. 'And you're going to the movies with him?' I sigh.
'Yes, and I'm going to be late, so can I go?' I say. She wants to say something, but I'm already out.

'You're home eleven o'clock!' she yells. I roll my eyes and walk in the direction of the cinema.

Peeta P.O.V.

I'm walking back and forth in front of the cinema. I'm waiting for Katniss. I decided that she can pick the movie.

Okay, Peeta. You're gonna act normal tonight. You're gonna be gentle, friendly, and kind, but without getting too close.

I see a shadow coming towards me. It's the silhouette of a girl. And then I see it's Katniss.

She looks so beautiful. The skirt she's wearing fits her perfectly and she looks so girly on her high heels.

'Hi', she says smiling. 'H- hey', I stutter.

Good start, buddy.

I fix my jacket and hold up my arm. She hooks hers in mine.

'Ready?' I ask. She nods.
We walk into the cinema and look at the bords.

What? There's only romantic and drama movies!

I mud. Katniss looks at me.
'Can I pick?' I nod. She walks upto the woman behind the counter and orders two tickets.

She walks back to me.
'Two tickets to 'I wouldn't mind'', she says smiling. I look up at the poster of 'I wouldn't mind'. There's a man and a woman, at a boat, kissing eachother.

Oh, great.

I smile awkwardly and take Katniss into the right room.

During the movie, I can barely concentrate. Katniss is so close to me and we're watching two people making love. I look at Katniss. She smiles at the screen. Although it's pretty dark, I can see her eyes shining.

God, she's so beautifu, why didn't I just tell her how I felt, a week ago?

I sigh. I look at the big screen, but still can't seem to concentrate.

After the movie, we walk out of the cinema. I let Katniss talk about it, because I barely have an idea of what it was about.

We walk further but then Katniss stops.
'Oh, my feet', she whines. I stand in front of her, smiling. She takes off her shoes. And starts dancing.
'I almost never wear heels', she says. I laugh.

Dude! You can't let her walk outside barefoot!

I walk upto her and I lift her up.

'Peeta? What are you doing?' Katniss asks. I smile at her. 'I'm not gonna let you hurt your feet', I say. She chuckles. We walk further.

'Aren't I heavy?' Katniss asks after a while. I laugh. 'No, I carry sacks of flower in the bakery, this is nothing', I say. She smiles. We walk into a park, and I place her on a bence, then I sit next to her.

I smile at her, and suddenly she places her head on my shoulder.

'I'm happy I got to know you', she says. I smile to myself. 'Me too', I say.

She looks up to me. For a moment we stare at eachother. I look into her eyes. But suddenly I feel a pair of lips onto mine.


Yeeeeyyy Everlark is finally starting! But don't think that they're happily ever after now...
Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter!
Love, -xxx-

P.s. Happy 2016!

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