Chapter 40: Scared

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Katniss P.O.V.

I'm waking up to yelling. I sit up. Is it Peeta?
'Katniss!' I hear. No, that's not Peetas voice. I stand up and walk out of the room. I'm at the hallway now.
'Katniss!' I hear again. The voice scares me now. I hear footsteps on the stairs, coming towards me. Then I see her.

My mom.

She's running towards me and I turn around to run into the bedroom. I shut the door and it's quiet for a moment. Then I hear banging on the door.
'Katniss! It's me! Help me!' I hear a little girls voice say. Prim! I run towards the door again and open it. But the woman who's standing in front of me isn't my sister. It's my mom. How did she get Prim's voice?
'What are you doing here?' my mom asks. I look at her eyes. They're so dark that they just look like little black holes.
'I'm living with Peeta. I wasn't happy in New York. Mathew wasn't good for me', I say. The woman who looks like my mother starts to laugh.
'I don't care about your opinion. You stay with him as I say, you hear me?' she yells. I feel a punch in my stomach. But the arm doesn't match the fragile woman.
I wrap my arms around my stomach trying to calm the pain. I look up and see Mathew standing in front of me.
'How did you come here?' I ask. Mathew sighs.
'You dumb bitch. I said you weren't leaving, so you aren't', he says. He comes towards me and starts to put his hands on me.

'Mathew, stop, I don't want to', I say, trying to push him off of me. But instead, he pushes me onto my bed, and tries to take my shirt off.
'Leave her alone!' I hear suddenly. That voice makes my stomach hurt. I hear little footsteps coming towards the room.
Suddenly Mathew's gone. I frown and sit up. My mom is still standing in the doorway. But then Prim walks in. She runs to me and hugs me.
'Are you hurt?' she asks. I shake my head. She lets go off me and stands in front of me. But then she gets beaten down, by Mathew!
'NO!' I scream on top of my voice. My little sister. I'm going crazy! I see her bleeding and I can't handle it.
I lay on the ground with my hands for my eyes.

But when I look up, I'm not at the beachhouse anymore. I'm sitting in a open field. Prim is gone, Mathew is gone and so is my mother. I'm alone.
Or, I think that. When I stand up, I see Peeta walking towards me. He smiles. I smile too, but it's a little weak. I want him to comfort me, hug me, kiss me, anything. Just touch me.
But right before he's with me, he stands still. His look's changed. He looks like he's in pain. I frown, confused. But then he falls to his knees and falls into the ground. Then I see it.

He has a bullet in his back. The blood is streaming down his shirt.
'Peeta!' I scream. I run to him but I fall onto something. I look around and see my sister sitting on the ground.
'Prim?' I ask hoarse. She looks up and I see that her face is covered in bruises, cuts and blood. It's horrifying. My little sister... I think I'm gonna get crazy.

I look around and suddenly everyone is there. Finnick, Annie, Gale, Johanna... Everyone is hurt and covered in blood.
'No! Please', I say. Everyone is going to die...
'No! Don't leave me!' I scream. I start to slap around me.
I grab my hands in my hair. I can't see this anymore!
I sit down in the wet grass and place my head onto my knees.
'Let it stop! Please let it stop!' I yell. I hear voices screaming at me.

'You murderer!'

'All you can do is hurting people!'

'Nobody really loves you!'

'You idiot!'

'You ruin everything!'

I place my hands on my ears, trying to block out all the horrible voices.
At first, I don't recognize them, but then I hear the voices of my friends.
'I hate you!' Annie screams.
'I wish you were dead!' That's Johanna.
'Why are you even here?' The voice of Gale.
'Nobody likes you', Finnick yells.

Then the most hurting voice is screaming.
'I hate you! Get away and never come back! I would like it if you were gone!'
'No, no, please', I say. I can't take this anymore.
I feel a pair of hands around me, but I'm too scared. I slap away the hands and try to make myself invisible.
Let it stop, please. Just let me die already...


Poor Katniss...
Let me know what you think!
Love, -xxx-

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