Chapter 50: Hope

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Peeta P.O.V.

I'm sipping from my coffee, staring at Katniss. Why doesn't she wake up? I keep talking to her, but nothing happens. I don't even know if she can hear me!

The doctor walks in. 'Hey, Peeta', he says. He looks at the clock. 11:23 p.m. 'Don't you have to go to sleep?' he asks. I shake my head. 'No, I can't sleep anyway', I say. It is better with Katniss besides me, but I have nightmares about her. About that she won't wake up anymore and that I'll lose her.
'How's she doing, doc?' I ask. The doctor looks at me. 'I don't really know. She should've woken up by now, but I do see some progress', he says. I sigh. It's been three days now, and I haven't left the hospital once. Finnick brings me new clothes and tells me about school everyday, so I don't have to leave Katniss. I also haven't worked at the bakery for a while, but since my mom had to sign the divorce papers, she can't do anything to me. My dad let her work at the bakery, until she has something else, but he watches her carefully.
'Her heart is good, and her breathing is too. I don't understand why she's not waking up. At this point, she must be able to decide if she wakes up or not', the doctor says. I frown at him. 'What do you mean?' I ask. He looks up from some papers. 'Well, she is healthy enough now to be able to participate and hear everything around her. If she wants to wake up, she only has to decide it and fight for it. She has enough energy to do it. If she won't wake up, I guess she doesn't want to', the doctor says and then he leaves.

I look at Katniss and take her hand in mine. 'You can come back to me now, baby', I say. I sigh. 'I've told you this a hundred times, but I'm gonna say it again. I miss you. Very much. I'm tired of seeing you lay here with your eyes closed, me hoping that they'll open and show me the very beautiful grey colour that they hide', I say. I look down at her hand. Her nails are still dark blue. I kiss each of them. I stare at her for a while, but nothing happens.
'I guess you don't want to be with us anymore', I say sighing.

Katniss P.O.V.

I'm running trough the woods. I see the beautiful flowers and fruits that grow here. What a nice place. I love it. I walk around a little more, but then I hear a voice.
'Katniss? Is that you?' I hear. I look to my right, where the voice came from, and see a sort of open place. With a lake. It's beautiful, it's so bright. I walk to it and see a figure. Who's that?
'Katniss, I didn't expect you this early', the male voice say. I walk closer, and as soon as I see his face, I get a stomach ache and I feel tears welling up.

'Dad? Is this real?' I ask. My dad smiles at me. I want to come closer, but he stops me. 'Katniss, wait. I have to tell you something', he says. I frown. 'What?' I ask, while wiping my tears from my cheeks. 'Do you want to come to me?' he asks. I nod. 'Yeah, I'd love to', I say. My dad sighs. 'I have to give you a choice. I'm sorry, but if you want me to hold you, you leave everyone behind', he says. I frown harder in confusion. 'What do you mean, dad?' I ask as I take a step closer to him. 'If you pass that lake, you're gone. Then you're with me, but you'll everyone', he says. 'Everyone?' I ask. He nods and points behind me. I turn around and see a group of people standing in the woods. Oh no.

I look at all of the people.








'So, if I come to you, I'll leave them?' I ask. 'Yes, Katniss', my dad answers. I turn around again and look at my dad. 'But, I can't choose', I say. My dad smiles at me, a smile that I haven't seen in seven years. 'I'm sorry, Kat', he says. I sigh. I really want to be with my dad again... I turn around and look again at the group of my loved ones.

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