Chapter 43: Amazing Experience

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Katniss P.O.V.

I don't know how long we've been driving now, but it feels like ages.
'Are we close?' I whine. Peeta chuckles and nods.
'Just a little while', he says. I moan. 'Trust me, it'll be worth it', Peeta reassures me. I sigh and look outside the window. It's getting dark now. I close my eyes and just wait for him to get to the destination.

I feel a pair of hands shake my lightly and I open my eyes.
'Katniss, we're here', he says. 'Finally', I murmur. He chuckles. I look outside the window again and my jaw drops.
'Peeta...', I say softly. We're at the top of a hill, or mountain, or whatever you want to call it. The view is absolutely beautiful.
'How did you...' The end of my sentence fades away. I hear a door open and closing and then Peeta is at my side of the car. He opens the door and helps me out.

We walk to the edge of the road and sit down there.
'What do you think?' Peeta asks. 'It's gorgeous. Really, absolutely beautiful', I say gasping. Peeta smiles in relief.
I feel his hand sneak around my waist. I turn my head to face him.
'I love you', I say. Peeta smiles. 'I love you too', he says softly. I lean in and kiss him. My hand lay automatically around his neck and I pull myself closer to him. But then I abruptly pull away.

'If we keep going like this, we can't see the beauty of the view', I say as I look at him. He smiles.
'I'm already looking at a beauty', he says. I blush and roll my eyes.
'I'm not beautiful. Let alone as beautiful as this view', I say, looking back at the gorgeous view of the city and all his lights.
I'm not paying attention to what's happening around me, so I jump when I hear Peetas whispering in my ear.
'Don't you dare saying that you're not beautiful', he says. I roll my eyes in disbelief and just stare at the view.

I get lost in the view and I let my eyes fall on every single light in the city.
Then it hits me. This is what I told Annie. The special activity, the nonchalant meal, and then the gorgeous view. I told her she had to keep it to herself! She's gonna get some tomorrow!
'Peeta...', I start. Peeta turns his head to me and looks at me.
'Yeah?' he says. I keep looking at the city.
'Did eh... Did Annie tell you something... You know... About me?' I ask stuttery. Peeta chuckles.
'I was wondering if you were ever gonna mention it', he says. Now I look at him, with my jaw dropped.
'You jerk!' I yell. He just laughs. I lay my back onto his chest and look at the city again.
'So, she told you?' I ask. 'Yeah', he answers. I sigh. 'I told her not to', I mumble. But Peeta heard it.
'Why? I like it when I can make you happy', he says. I look up at him.
'Because you already do so much. You let me live with you. You keep me safe from Mathew. From my mom. I didn't want you to do anything for me. You didn't have to', I tell him. He wraps his arms tighter around me and kisses my neck.
'I love to do it, though', he whispers. I smile. I know he does. He always places everyone before him.
He continues kissing my neck and hus lips keep moving from my neck to my jawline, to my shoulder and back. I love the feeling I get of it. I close my eyes and allow myself to enjoy this moment for a while.

Peetas lips are so soft, genuine and caring. He is so big, strong and muscled, but he can be so precious and cautious. His fingers can make the most detailed cakes in the bakery.
I open my eyes again because Peetas lips are removed from my skin. I look around me, and feel that he's trying to stand up. I stand up first, so he can do too. He grabs my hand.
'Come on, it's not over yet', he says smiling. I follow him to his car, wondering what he's going to do next.

We're driving down the hill and this time, it seems like the drive is shorter. Soon, Peeta stops the car and helps me out. When I step out, I think that I'm falling for a moment, but then I realize that I'm standing on sand. I look around me in the dark and I see a bundle of light in the distance. Peeta takes my hand and we start walking towards it. When we're near it, I hear two voices. A male and female one.

We walk closer and then I see the owners of the voices.
'Hey guys, finally. We thought we would be alone for the night', Finnick says jokingly. I roll my eyes and sit down next to him on the carpet they've laid out.
I look at Annie who keeps smiling at me. I give her a we-have-to-talk glance. She gets it and immediately looks down.
'So, how are things between you two?' Finnick asks, pointing at me and Peeta. I look at him. 'I could ask you the same question', I say. Finnick laughs for a moment.
'Well, if you want to know, everything went very well', he says proudly, looking at Annie. Peeta and I smile, but the difference is, Peetas smile is real. Mine's fake. I have to talk to Annie.

'Will you excuse us for a minute?' I ask, looking at Annie. Before either Peeta or Finnick says something, I pull Annie up and drag her with me.
'Before you say anything, I know, I'm sorry', Annie says when I open my mouth to say something to her.
'I told you to keep it to yourself!' I say. Annie sighs.
'I know. But I just had to. It was such a beautiful story and I just had to tell Peeta because I just knew he would make the most amazing experience of it', she says. I just stare at her. I know she's right, but I trusted her. I told her that in confidence.
'Kat, don't be mad. You still can trust me, I promise', she says. I nod slightly.
'Okay', I mumble. I'm still not really convinced, but it's stupid to stay mad at her.
'And you also didn't shut your mouth', she says suddenly. I frown at her.
'You told Finnick about my dream date', she states. I immediately feel dumb for falling out on her like that while I did the exact same thing.
'Oh yeah. But you didn't say that I couldn't tell him', I say. She rolls her eyes. 'I thought that that would speak for itself', she says. I chuckle.
'I'm sorry. You're right. I'm acting childish', I say. She smiles and hold out her arms. I walk into them and hug her.
'But, how was it?' she asks. I chuckle again and start blushing. Fortunately she can't see that.
'Fun. We went ice skating, and we had some take-away food and then we sat on top of a mountain, admiring the view. It was gorgeous', I tell smiling. She claps her hands and starts jumping. 'So romantic', she says dreamy. I nod.
'And what about you?' I ask. She giggles. 'He took me to the movies, a super romantic movie. We kissed in the dark and it was so nice. After that, we went to a restaurant. A really luxe and expensive restaurant. The food was amazing. Then we went to the beach. We swum and watched the sunset. We talked and waited for you guys to come', she tells. I smile. I'm happy for her. The smile on her face reaches even her ears. She's so happy with Finnick.

'I think we must go back to the boys', Annie says. I nod and we start walking back.

Peeta P.O.V.

Katniss drags Annie with her and me and Finnick stay behind.
'What's that about?' he asks. I look at him and shrug.
'Don't know', I say. Finnick chuckles. 'Girls', he says. That makes me laugh too. 'Yeah', I murmur.

'How's Annie?' I ask. Her name being mentioned makes Finnick smile. 'Good. Tonight went well', he says. I smile. 'And you?' he asks. I nod. 'Yeah, same. It was nice to see her smile so much', I say, looking at Katniss and Annie, who are hugging eachother right now. Finnick looks at them too.
'Still sure about our plan?' he asks. I nod and smile. I don't think they'll see it coming...

The date! What did you guys think of it?
Love, -xxx-

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