Chapter 56: Dress Shopping

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Katniss P.O.V.

I wake up from light shining in my eyes, and for a moment I don't know where I am. I remember falling asleep on the couch, and now I'm laying in bed. Am I teleported? I laugh to myself. That was what I thought when I was little and my dad carried me up to my room when I'd fallen asleep.
Peeta probably did it.

I turn around to face my sleeping Peeta. I smile. He snores softly. What would he be dreaming about?
I stare at him for a while, but then I get bored. I like watching him sleep, but it is for over half an hour now.
I want to wake him, but how? I sit up and look behind me.
I smile devilishly to myself. I place my hands on my pillow and lift it up.
I hold it above him. Just for ten seconds, then he'll wake up.
I bring it closer to him, but just before I'm close enough, he snaps it out of my hands. He makes a quick move so I fall off of the bed.

'Ouch!' I whine. I hear a laugh. I lay back on the ground and sigh.
I close my eyes. That wasn't a smart move.
'That's not a good way to wake someone up', Peeta says. I open my eyes and see Peeta smirking at me. I roll my eyes smiling. 'Yeah', I say. He chuckles.
'I know a better way to wake me up next time', he says, pulling me up. I sit down on the bed.
'You do?' I ask jokingly. He smiles. 'Yeah, I know something', he says, leaning in. He softly presses his lips onto mine. I smile into the kiss.
He pulls away and smiles at me.

'When you wake me up like this, I won't get a heartattack', he says. I smile.
'I can't promise anything', I say teasingly. He chuckles. He places his forehead onto mine. I close my eyes and let the feeling of love rash trough my veins.

But then I feel a hard bang on the side of my head. I quickly open my eyes and see Peeta sitting with a pillow in his hands.
'That's called revenge', he says. I look at him devilishly. I grab the other pillow and slap him with it.

Soon, we get into a pillow-fight and I can't keep myself from laughing.
'Stop it, I can't!' I scream. Peeta laughs and stops. I lay on my back, with Peeta on top of me.
'Alright, I'll spare you. But just because I love you too much', he says. I smile. 'Well, thank you', I say. He chuckles.

I sigh. 'I should get dressed. I have to meet the girls at noon', I say. He sighs and lays his head on my collarbone.
He wraps his arms tightly around me.
'I don't want you to go', he whines. I smile and run my fingers through his hair.
'I know. But I want to look good next to you at prom', I say. He looks up at me.
'I know for sure that you'll look beautiful', he says. I smile at him. 
'But then I do have to go now', I say and Peeta sits up.
'Alright', he sighs. I smile at his disappointment and get into the bathroom to take a shower.


Just at noon, the door bell rings. I run up to it and see the girls standing there.
'Hey, Kat', Annie says. I smile at her.
'Ready?' Amy asks. I nod and look around. I have to laugh about her facial expression.
'I think you can ask Johanna that question', I say. She rolls her eyes.
'I'm so not excited about this', she says. I laugh.
'Come on, Jo. It'll be fun', Annie says.

I turn around and see Peeta standing in the kitchen.
'I'll be right back', I say to the girls, running up to Peeta.
I crash into him, pecking his lips.
'I'll be back soon', I say. He smiles and nods. 'I'll miss you', he says. I smile. 'I'll probably be at the bakery for a while, so if you need me, I'm there', he says. I nod. I kiss him again shortly. 
'Bye', I say, walking back to the girls. 'Bye', Peeya answers. 

'Can we go?' Annie asks impatiently. I nod. 'Yeah, let's go', I say, closing the door behind me. 

It turned out that Amy and Annie are the living hell when it's about shopping. They have to go to every dress shop, and there are a lot of those in our town. They almost picked one, but that turned out to be too small. Now we're in another shop, and me and Johanna have looked at some dresses, but no one has got my attention so far. And I'm getting pretty tired of all those dresses. And I'm hungry. 

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