Chapter 18: Telling The Truth

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Katniss P.O.V. 

I'm stuck now. Peeta wants to know why I wanted him to leave me alone. It's gonna ruin this whole moment when I tell him about Mathew. I don't want to. Not yet. 

'Why don't we take a swim first?' I ask hopefully. Peeta chuckles. 'Tell me, Katniss', he says. I sigh. 'Okay, okay. But I don't want it to ruin our date', I say. Peeta smiles a little less. 'Tell me', he says. 

'My mothers boyfriend has a nephew, Mathew, and she wants me to be with him. She forced me to live with Gale, because I ruined my change to get to know Mathew better, and now she can settle everything without me. And I know for sure that when I turn back, she already bought my weddingdress', I tell him. Peetas smile is completely gone now. 'She... She wants Mathew to be your boyfriend?' he asks. I nod slowly. Peeta looks at the ground. 

'But I don't want to! I want to be with you, and only you!' I say quickly. I sit closer to him and pull him to me. I want to hug him, but he pulls away. He looks at the ocean. 

I knew it would ruin the date... 

'Peeta... I', I start, but his lips silence me. I look at him, a little confused. 'But you're only mine, and I'm never gonna let anyone touch you', he says. I smile. 

He's so sweet. 

He bends me over again, so he can lay on top of me. 'So, that date huh?' he says. I laugh. He kisses me again. 'Wanna swim now?' he asks. I nod, undress myself and before I know it, Peeta has lift me up, and walks with me to the ocean. 

He gently puts me down. The water is very cold, so I put my body to his, and he wraps his arms around me to keep me warm. 'Is it too cold?' Peeta asks. I shake my head and pull myself closer to him. 'No, it's just right like this', I say giggling. He chuckles. I look at him. 

'Do you know that there are so many sorts of fish in this ocean?' he asks. I have to keep myself from laughing. I shake my head, as if I'm very interested. 'There are some dangerous ones, but they are not in this area', he says. I nod. 'Oh yeah, yeah, interesting', I say. 'I think that we're standing in a school of fish right now', he says, looking at the water. 

I can't help it anymore. I lift his head up with my fingers. 'Just shut up and kiss me', I whisper and I crash my lips onto his. He pulls me closer. He pulls away because he has to laugh. 

'That was funny', he says. I start to blush. 'I'm sorry, I just had to', I say. He smiles. 'I definitely liked it more than my own story about the fish', he says. I chuckle and kiss him on his clavicle. I start to have goosebumps. Peeta notices it and lifts me up again. He walks into the house and places me on the couch. He stand up to take my clothes from outside, and I see a glimpse of his abs. I'm happy that I sit down, otherwise I'd faint. 

'Do you workout?' I ask when he comes back in and closes the door for a little. He frowns at me. 'What do you mean?' he asks. 'Well, those abs, what do you do for that, or did you just get them from yourself?' I ask. He laughs and walks up to me. He sits next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. 'I go to the gym, once in a while', he says. I nod and place my head on his shoulder. I let my finger go over his abs. He chuckles soft and kisses my in my neck. 

'But, what are you doing now, with Mathew?' he asks. I hold up my shoulders. 'I don't know, but I do know for sure that I'm staying with you tonight. My mother won't notice, because I trust Gale, he'll cover me. I will send him a text', I say. Peeta smiles and nods. I take my phone and text Gale. While I'm typing, Peeta keeps kissing my neck and my clavicle. I really have strugles to not do anything. 


I send him. I lay my phone on the table and turn to Peeta. 'You little devil', I say smiling and I start kissing his neck. I slowly go up, but when I kiss him right under his ear, he starts to shiver. I smile to myself. 

'What was that?' I ask smiling. He start to blush. 'I eh... That's my weak point', he mumbles. I smile even more. 'I have to remember that', I say devilishly. I kiss him again on the same spot. He shivers again. I look at him and I can see the desire in his eyes. Then my phone beeps. 

'Saved by the bell', I say. He laughs. 


I smile at the screen. 'Solved', I say. 


Ahww can you feel the love? I know I can :)
So, what did you think? I really need your opinion, because I don't know how far I can go with Katniss and Peeta. What do you guys think? Would you mind when there would be more romance in it? Please let me know!
Love, -xxx-

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