Chapter 32: Jealousy

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Katniss P.O.V.

Peeta and I are sitting in a restaurant. He insisted to bringing me to a luxe and I believe expensive restaurant.
'You're worth it', he said. I said that I would only go with him, if I paid my own half. And he's still trying to convince me that I don't have to.

'Katniss, listen, I work at the bakery, I earn enough. I burnt the cheese buns, so please let me pay for this', he says for the 100th time. I roll my eyes again and pretend like I don't hear him.
He sighs.
'Okay. I believe that whining doesn't help', he says. I giggle. He smiles at me and finally starts to eat.

We eat and talk about anything and everything. I tell him how school was before he came, and he tells me about his old town and school. I really like it to hear him talk. He's so good at it. He could speak in front of thousands of people. I couln't do that.

When we're done, we pay our own half. Peeta looks really down when I pay. I laugh to myself.

'So, what now?' he asks, when we're walking out of the restaurant. I think for a moment and look around.
Then I see him. My best friend since kindergarten.

I start to run to him, yelling his name. He looks up, confused, but is too late to see me. I crash into him.

Peeta P.O.V.

I see Katniss running away from me and at first I'm confused, but then I see where she's running to.
A large boy with dark hair and big eyebrows.


A strange feeling rages through my veins. I'm jealous. I see Katniss crashing into him. He looks at her with a smile. They're too far away, so I can't hear what they're saying, but I can see the way they look at eachother.

Oh great, first Mathew, now Gale. It gets a little monotonous.

I sigh and start walking towards them.

'... yeah, and I thought, what?' I hear Gale saying. Katniss laughs. I come closer and it takes a while before they see me.

'Oh, hey Peeta', Gale says. I nod at him. Katniss just smiles at me and returns to Gale really quickly.
'So, yeah, that was awesome', she says, bursting out laughing, with Gale. I just stand there. Doing nothing.

This evening went so well, and now he ruined it.

Katniss and Gale keep laughing, and I start to have enough of it.
'I think I'm gonna go home', I say. Katniss looks at me.
'Oh okay, Gale and I are stopping by at Finnicks', she says. I try not to frown.
'To say hi to everyone. Johanna will also be there', Gale says.
'You coming?' Katniss asks. I shake my head.

Not in the mood.

'Oh okay, then I see you later', she says, giving me a quick kiss on my cheek. She gets into Gales car and drives away. Leaving me there.

I feel bad. I rescued her today from Mathew, and she goes away with Gale already. I guess I have no other choice than to start driving home.


I open the back door to the beach, and let the scent of the sea slip into my nose. I step into the sand and start walking towards the sea. At the surf I sit down and just stare at the water. How it crowls onto the sand and gets towed back towards the ocean. It's restful.

I sit there for I don't know how long, and then I get up. I walk back into the house and look at the clock. 11:45. She still isn't back. I sit down on the couch and watch some tv.

Katniss P.O.V.

I had so much fun with everyone. I'm really glad that I'm back. It was so nice to see everyone again. Johanna had her offensive jokes as usual, and Finnick, of course, wanted to play some games. But they all asked for Peeta. I didn't like the fact that he wasn't there. But I'm walking home now. Back to my man.

I get into the house and when I get into the livingroom, I see that Peeta has fallen asleep. I smile.
Should I wake him up? No, I decide to let him stay where he is and walk upstairs. I change and crowl into bed. It feels bigger and colder without Peeta. I close my eyes and try to sleep, wich is a littlebit more difficult now.


The next morning I wake up from light that is shining in my face. I look around me and see that I'm still in a empty room. No Peeta. No love. No warmth. But I know he's downstairs, probably making breakfast, or he's still sleeping.

Peeta P.O.V.

I wake up with a sore back.
Where am I? I look around and recognize the livingroom.
Have I slept here? I rub my eyes and look at the clock. 10:13. I should probably get up and make breakfast for Katniss. Katniss... Katniss!

Did she come home safe? Where is she? I start to get worried and hurry upstairs.
I run into the bedroom and see that Katniss is laying there, waking up. I sigh in relief and sit down on the edge of the bed.
'Hey', I say softly. 'Good morning', she says. I smile.

'How was your night?' I ask. She smiles. 'Fun. It was nice to see everyone, but I did miss you', she says and blushes. I look at her as she gets closer to me. She sits in front of me, and wraps her hands around my neck.
I place mine on her waist and look into her beautiful grey eyes.
'You missed me?' I ask. She nods. I slowly kiss her cheek and she starts to blush again.

'How was your evening?' she asks me.
'Lonely. I sat on the beach for a while and then I fell asleep on the couch', I say. She giggles. 'I saw it when I came in', she says.

'Why didn't you come to us?' she asks. I hesitate for a moment before answering.
'I didn't feel so good', I say quietly. She frowns at me. 'Peeta, what's wrong?' she asks. I sigh.
'I was jealous. I saw you laughing with Gale and I felt like I didn't belong there. I wanted to get away from there', I mumble. I look down, but Katniss places her fingers under my chin, so that I have to look at her.

'You have nothing to be jealous about', she whispers and she kisses me. That feels good. It feels good to hear her say that, and it feels even better to feel her lips onto mine.


So, what did you think of this chapter? Please, leave me a comment, I'd like to hear from you!
Love, -xxx-

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