Chapter 28: Getting Her

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Peeta P.O.V.

Finnick, Annie and I take the first plane to New York. I'm sitting by the window, trying to calm myself looking at the clouds. Next to me, I can hear that Annie and Finnick are kissing eachother, so I don't want to turn my head anyways.

The flight takes too long for me. I just want to get to Katniss! I still have 2 hours to go. I close my eyes and try to imagine the moment I'll see her again. My mouth curls up automatically.

'Peeta, try to sleep, man', Finnick says. I look at him and see that Annie has laid her head on his shoulder, and is already asleep.
Finnick yawns.
'No, I'm good, thanks', I say. He holds up his shoulders and closes his eyes.

I can't sleep right now. I don't allow myself to. We're getting closer to Katniss.

Katniss P.O.V.

I can't concentrate at school. While I'm walking home, I keep thinking about what Mathew said yesterday. He really has feelings for me. What should I do now? I don't feel comfortable anymore being alone with him.

I reach the house and go in.
I let myself fall onto the couch. I close my eyes for a moment, then look at my watch. 2:30. I still have one and a half hour left until Mathew gets home.

I could go shopping. I need some new jeans and some T-shirts.

I get up, send a text message to Mathew that I'm at the mall and leave the house.

When I get there, I see a lot of people walking around. It's never this crowded in my town.
I walk along the stores, until I smell the scent of fresh bread. It makes me think of Peeta immediately.
How he always smelled like bread and cake. How his eyes, and only his, could look right through me. It makes my head feel light.

I walk away from the smell and walk into a store. I find some jeans, but then I bump into someone.

'Watch it!' I yell. I look up and realize that I know this person.
'Bad mood?' the person laughs. I roll my eyes. I look at his big, dark eyebrows and then at his eyes. This person, is Mathew Heavensbee.

'What are you doing here?' I ask. Mathew smiles. 'Shopping, just like you', he says. I frown in myself. Did he follow me?

'Alright, well, I'm gonna get some grocery, and you can go home and relax', I say, not wanting him to come with me. He smiles again and nods.

He start walking away, turns, waves, turns again and walks away again.
I sigh. I buy the jeans and some T-shirts and go to the grocery store.

Peeta P.O.V.

We're sitting in a taxi right now. I'm getting so nervous. We asked for Mathews adress at his work, wich Annie had find out.

We're getting closer now, and I can't wait to see her face, touch it, and most of all: kiss it.

I feel my hands get sweaty and my heart is beating ten times faster. We're driving into the city now and I really have to keep myself calm.

'Where is it?' I ask for the tenth time. Annie looks at her phone. 'Still some blocks ahead, Peeta', she says laughing. I blush and smile.

I look outside and see the large buildings passing by. She's here somewhere. She's watching tv right now, or she takes a shower, or she is cooking, or at least tries to. I laugh to myself by the thought of Katniss' cooking.

Katniss P.O.V.

It's cold in the grocery store. I'm walking around, trying to remember what I had to buy. I just keep thinking about Mathew. Was he really following me? I shake my head, trying to focus again.

Come on, Katniss. What do you have to buy?

I grab some stuff and walk towards the cash deck. But then I see it. The dark haircolour and the dark eyes. He's watching me. I turn my head to look at him clearly, but then he dissappears. I knew it! It was him! Mathew is following me! But, why?

I hurry out of the store and race home. I have to be there first.
I quickly open the door and walk around the house. Looks empty.
'Mathew?' I yell. Nothing. I smile. I'm first. I hear the sound of the door and Mathew comes in. I turn to him.

'Hey, where are you coming from?' I ask. He frowns at me. 'What? I have to tell you everything I'm doing and you can just be mysterious about where you're coming from?' I toss him. He sighs in laughter.
'I was just walking around the block', he says. I raise one eyebrow.

'I saw you, Mathew. I saw you in the grocery store', I say. The smile on his face dissappears. He looks at the ground.
'Why are you following me?' I ask.
'For your mother', he mumbles. I frown. He's following me for my mother?
'Why?' I ask.

'She doesn't trust you alone here', he says. I roll my eyes. Of course she doesn't.
'Then she also doesn't trust you. Otherwise she'd trust on the fact that you could keep me here', I say. That makes him confused. I sigh and turn my back to him.

I'm angry now. At my mother and at Mathew. And at Plutarch, for letting him suffer like this.

Then I remember what I had to buy. Milk.

I walk towards the door. 'Where are you going?' Mathew asks.
'Getting milk, alone', I say without looking at him.

I open the front door, and I look right into the deep blue eyes that I would pick out everywhere.


Yeah! Peeta is in New York and Katniss is getting mad at Mathew. How do you guys think this'll end?
Let me know.
Love, -xxx-

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