Chapter 58: Sleepover

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Katniss P.O.V. 

We all sit in the livingroom, just talking and laughing. I don't want the others to know about Amy. Then they would throw her out of our group. I don't want that. 
'So...', Annie says, getting everyone's attention. 'In a few weeks, we'll all be graduated. We'll all go our own ways', she continues. I see tears in her eyes. Poor Annie. She's really attached to this group. So am I, though. 
Finnick wraps his arm around her shoulders. 
'We'll still be friends', he says to reassure her. But she shakes her head. 'Katniss is going to Los Angeles, Johanna will go to Miami, and I'm off to Yale. We'll grow apart', she sobs. Finnick says soothing words to her.  'We'll figure something out, An, it'll be okay', I say. She looks up at me with red eyes. 

'We're going to annoy you for a very long time', Johanna says. Now she can push out a little chuckle. 
'You okay?' Finnick asks. She nods. 'Yeah, thanks guys', she says. I smile at her. 
'Are we gonna play Truth Odair now?' Finnick asks hopefully. I roll my eyes. 'Annie just calmed down, we're not going to upset her again by playing your stupid game', I say. Finnick looks hurt. Annie smiles. 
'I want to play it, it's fun', she says quietly. Finnick's face lights up. 'That's my girl', he says, kissing her cheek. She blushes. I sigh. I'm always alone at this. 

I grab a bottle. 'But I get to play first', I say resolute. Finnick frowns. 'And why is that?' he asks. I smile at him. 'Because I live here', I say. But I forgot about Peeta. 
'But it's my house', he says. I look at him. He smiles. 'But let Katniss get the first spin', he says. I smile thankfully at him. I turn to the bottle and give it a spin. 

It lands on Finnick. 
'Truth Odair?' I ask, smirking. 'Odair, of course', he says. Great. 
'I dare you to... Put on one of Annie's bra's', I say. His eyes widen. Johanna bursts out laughing and Annie blushes. She takes one of her bra's out of her bag, and puts it on Finnick. It's a neon yellow one and it matches Finnick's red head. I have to keep myself from laughing. It looks so stupid. 
But Finnick is Finnick and he stands up and walks around like a model. That causes me to let my laugh out. 

When he sits down again, he spins the bottle and it lands on Peeta. 

'Truth Odair, mate', Finnick says smirking. I can see that he hesitates. 'Odair', he decides. Finnick thinks for a moment, then comes to a decision. 

'I dare you to makes us some cookies', he says smiling. Peeta laughs and stands up. 

'You can play further', he says, walking into the kitchen. 'But who's spinning for you?' Amy asks. 

'Me!' Johanna yells and she gives a spin to the bottle before anyone can object.

It lands on me. 

'Truth', I say, even before she asks me the question. 'How's sex with Peeta?' she asks. I frown. Is she serious? 'What?' I ask, hoping that I heard it wrong.

'How's sex with Peeta?' she repeats. I find myself blushing and my eyes quickly shoot towards Gale. But he's just waiting for my answer, just like everyone else. 
'Eh...', I start, and I just know that Peeta is listening from the kitchen. 
'Good', I say, but it sounds more like a question. Johanna laughs and Annie giggles. 
'Come on, Kat, not so prude', Johanna says. I blush even more and start to giggle. I always giggle when I'm nervous. 

'It's eh... It's great', I say quietly. Johanna and Finnick laugh, Annie and Amy giggle and even Gale smiles. I spin the bottle and it lands on Gale. How ironic. How can this game always be so ironic? How's that possible?

Gale looks at me with a questioning-glance. 
'Truth Odair?' I ask. 'Truth', he answers. I think. I can't think of a question that isn't awkward for him. 
'Eh... Are you thinking of college?' I ask. He sighs. 'Katniss, what's this? Are we friends or strangers? You can act normal', he says. I blush out of shame. 'Sorry, okay the. Eh... Did you have sex already?' I ask. He laughs. 'That's how I know you', he says. I smile. 'So?' I ask. He blushes.
'I haven't yet', he says. I nod. He spins the bottle, but I stand up.
'I'm gonna get some water', I say, walking to the kitchen. 

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