Chapter 20: The Plan

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Peeta P.O.V.

I'm getting really nervous. Katniss is gonna tell me something, and she was crying, so I think that it's pretty bad.

She sighs. 'I'm moving to New York', she says. For a minute I think that she's joking, but I can see her eyes getting wet.
'What? New York? Why?' I ask confused. Katniss tries to keep het voice from vibrating. 'My mother wants me to live with Mathew', she says. I look at her trying to figure out what I should do.

'With... Mathew? In New York?' I ask. She nods. I shake my head, like I could wake up from a bad dream or something.

I don't want her to go... Of course not! I want her to stay here, with me.

'Is there something we could do?' I ask. She holds up her shoulders. I force myself to come up with something.

Come on, Peeta, think! For Katniss!

'The beachhouse!' I yell after a while. Katniss frowns at me. 'The beachhouse?' I nod. I walk up to her and take her hands. 'You can live with me there, your mom doesn't know about that place, she'll never find you', I say. Katniss thinks about it. 'It could work, but what about school?' she asks. I think about that. 'We'll figure something out. I promise. I just have to keep you here', I say. She smiles light and kisses my cheek.

'I'll pack your bags', Gale says. I look at him. He has a look on his face that I can't place. He walks away and Katniss suddenly hugs me.

'Thank you', she whispers. I smile. 'No problem, you're my girl, right? I have to protect you', I say. She looks at me and in her eyes I can see that she's statisfied with what I said. She nods.

Gale comes back with a big bag with Katniss' stuff. 'Here you go', he says and he gives Katniss her bag. She hugs him. 'Thanks, for letting me stay here, even though it was just for one night. And thanks for covering me for my mom', she says. I can see Gale smile.

I don't like the feeling that is going trough my veins. I'm jealous. At the best friend of my girlfriend. And I hate that part of me.

Katniss pulls away and takes my hand. 'Take care of Prim', Katniss says. Gale nods and smiles. We walk out of the door and step into my car. Then I remember the bag with cheesebuns in my hand. I pick one out and hand it to Katniss.

'You want one?' I ask. She smiles and nods and takes the bun out of my hand. She starts to eat and I can see that she likes it. I chuckle and start the car. I drive to the beachhouse and Katniss and I sit next to eachother on the cough. I wrap my arm around her and she crawls into my embrace. I smile.

God... I love her. And I'm gonna do everything to keep her with me.

'Peeta?' she asks suddenly. I look down to her. 'Yes?' I ask. 'Why do you like me?' Katniss mumbles. I frown. 'What do you mean?' I ask. 'Well, why do you like me? What did you think when you first saw me?' she asks. I chuckle. 'Those are two different questions, so you get two different anwers', I say. She smiles.

'I like your smile, your eyes, the way you laugh, the way you start to shine when you have an idea. You're funny, kind, sweet, sexy and very beautiful', I say. She blushes like a tomato.
'Then answer two, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I saw the way you were laughing with Finnick and I thought you were very cute', I say and kiss her on the cheek. She giggles and places her head onto my shoulder.

Now it's my turn.

'And why do you like me?' I ask. She's quiet for a moment.
Then she starts to talk.
'You're very sweet, and nice and you always know the good thing to say, and you make me laugh when I'm sad and you give me the feeling that I'm special', she says.

Wow, that's a lot.

I smile to her and she kisses me on my weak spot .

Ahh, I can't concentrate when she does that. I don't know why but I start to shiver when she kisses me there, or even toughes that point.

I flip her over so she's in front of me, and she lays her back onto my chest, and together we watch tv for a while.

Ahww, cute Everlark moment. But, will it stay like this? Or does Katniss still have to move to New York? Let me know what you guys want to read!
Love, -xxx-

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