Chapter 19: We've Got A Problem

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Katniss P.O.V.

When I open my eyes, I'm confused at first. But then I remember that I'm in Peetas beachhouse. He lives here. He's really lucky.

I look at him. He's still asleep. I look outside the window and see that it's still dark. I pull myself closer to Peeta, and close my eyes. Then I feel two arms wrap tighter around me. I smile. I decide to be quiet and act like I'm asleep.

After a while I feel two lips on my forehead. I smile again. I slowly look up to Peeta and see that he's looking at me.

'Is there something wrong?' I ask. Peeta shakes his head. 'No, I was just thinking', he says. I pull myself up so I can sit next to him.
'About what?' I ask. He smiles, places his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him. 'About how beautiful you are', he says and he slowly kisses me.

He's so goofy and romantic, but I have to admit that I love that part about him.

I pull away and see that it's getting ligt outside.
'What are we going to do today?' I ask. Peeta sighs. 'I wish we could just stay here and be at the beach, but we have to go to school', he says. I sigh too and let my head fall onto Peetas shoulder.

I hear Peeta chuckle.
'It's okay, we're together', he says. I look up and smile. I nod and give him a kiss on his cheek. Then I remember his weak spot and I kiss him very light on that place. He looks devilishly at me. 'You just had to, didn't you?' he says. I giggle and stand up.

After breakfast, I took a quick shower and we went to school. The whole day Peeta and I sat next to eachother. I really like him. He makes me laugh and gives me the feeling that I'm special. I like it to be cosseted by him.

After school, Peeta brought me to Gales house. I wanted to go with him to the beachhouse, but he said we would go another day, and that I have to make my homework first. He sounded just like my father before he died.

I'm now sitting in my room, thinking about last night. It was amazing.

Then Gale comes running into my room.
'Gale?! Knock first maybe? I could be naked!' I say. He doesn't reply on it. 'Your mom's here', he says. I shoot up and look at him.
'Why?' I ask. He holds up his shoulders.

I run downstairs and look into the cold eyes of my mother.
'Hello, Katniss', she says. I nod at her. 'What's wrong?' I ask. She smiles mysterious.

'You're going to New York', she says. My eyes widen.

Did I hear that right? New York? What the hell is she talking about?

'What do you mean?' I ask.
'Mathew works there and it's better for him to go back there', she starts.
'Then let him go, I'm not stopping him', I say. Her smile gets bigger. 'Of course his girlfriend is going with him', she says. I look at her in disbelief.

'But, Peeta's my boyfriend, and you know that!' I say. 'He's gonna hurt you, believe me', my mother says. 'So you're just gonna force me to be with a guy I don't even like?' I ask. She grinds and nods.

My jaw drops. She's kidding me, she has to!

'Is this serious?' I ask. She nods again. I look confused at my feet.
'We're leaving on Friday, so make sure you're ready', she says, she turns around and leaves. I can't move.

Annie... Finnick... Gale... Prim... Peeta... PEETA! I have to leave them al behind! I start to scream. Gale comes running to me and comforts me, or at least tries to.

I start to cry on his shoulder.
'Catnip, what's wrong?' he asks. I look up at him. 'I have to move', I say. He frowns. 'Again? Where to?' he asks.

I look down at my feet. 'New York', I mumble. His eyes widen. 'What? Why?' I hold up my shoulders. 'Some stupid plan of my mother', I say. Gale doesn't say anything, he just rubs my back.

Then the doorbell rings.
'Posy, open the door please', Gale yells. Posy is Gales little sister. She runs up to the door and opens it.

'Hello, I thought I could bring some warm cheesebuns', I hear a sweet voice say. I look up and quickly turn around. I see Peeta standing in the doorway, looking sad. His face doesn't match his voice. I don't know why at first, but then I remember that Gale is still hugging me. I quickly take my body back and walk up to him.

'Peeta, Gale was just comforting me', I say. 'And why was that?' Peeta asks, and I can hear the anger in his voice.
'I was crying', I say. Then Peetas face changes. 'Why?' he asks. I sigh.

How do I have to tell him this?

'Okay, Peeta, you're not gonna like this', I say.

I just did have to stop here. I'm sorry.
So, what did you think of this chapter? Let me know!
Love, -xxx-

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