Chapter 47: New Friend

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Katniss P.O.V.

I'm walking around the park and I'm looking at the people there. I'm very lucky at this moment. I'm safe, and I have Peeta. That's all I need. Just my Peeta. I'm so lucky with him. Things are going quite well between us.

I walk by a snackbar, and see a little girl standing there with her blonde hair and green eyes.
'Amy!' I say and I walk upto her. When she sees me, she smiles.
'Hey, Katniss', she says.
'How are you?' I ask. She nods. 'I'm good. And you? And Peeta?' she asks. I nod too. 'Yeah, we're fine. It's going well', I say. She smiles at me.

The rest of the afternoon, we spend talking and laughing. I get to know her better. She's seventeen, just as me, and she just moved here. She is an only child and she loves to draw. I think she would like to see Peetas atelier someday. I'll show her.
And I tell her about my life, but I leave the part where I tell about my mother and Mathew. I only tell the good things.

We walk home together and I take her to the beachhouse.
'This is so pretty!' she exclaims. I smile. I show her around the house, including Peetas atelier. She loves it.
'Peeta would love to teach you some painting tricks', I say. She looks at me with wide eyes. 'You think he would do that?' she asks. I nod. 'Absolutely.'

He tried it with me someday. But I can't draw at all, let alone paint. I tried to paint a sunset, but it was horrible. 'I love it', Peeta said. I rolled my eyes, because I knew that he lied. I gave up painting and left it to Peeta. He wants to try it again with me, but I don't want to. I hate doing things I'm bad at. So I think Peeta would like it to have a painting-friend.

We sit in the livingroom talking, but at some point Amy stands up.
'I think I'm gonna go. I'll be late for dinner', she says. I nod. She suddenly hugs me.
'I would like it to become friends with you Katniss', she says quietly. I smile into her hair. 'Yeah, me too', I say as she pulls away. She smiles brightly at me and leaves.
I stay in the livingroom for a while, but at some point I find myself sleeping.

I wake up to the sound of footsteps, trying to be quiet. I open my eyes smiling, because I know that it's Peeta. He always tries to let me sleep. But I'm a soft sleeper, so I hear his heavy footsteps anyway. I look around me and see Peeta hanging his coat on the coat rack.
'Hi', I say softly as I stand up. I see him smiling from the side. 'Good morning, I missed you', he says. I smile, but that smile fades away immediately when he turns to me. I gasp.
'O my God, Peeta! What happened?' I ask when I see the huge gash and the bruises on the side of his face. He looks down, not saying anything, wich confirms my thoughts. His mom.
'We should go to the police, Peeta', I say. He sighs and shakes his head, wich gives him a clear headache.
'Your head is the prove!' I state. He looks up at me. 'It won't help, Katniss', he says. Now I'm the one sighing. He walks up to me and places his hands on my shoulders. 'I'm okay', he says. I look at him in disbelief. He smiles weakly at me. I place a gentle kiss on his nose.
'Come on, let's get you cleaned up', I say, still not convinced, and not replying at his statement. He walks with me into the kitchen and I wipe away the blood and stitch him up as best as I can.
'There, all done', I say, when I'm done. He smiles at me and places his hands on my waist. 'Thanks, my love', he says. I smile. He stands up and looks down at me.
'I spend the day with Amy', I tell him. He smiles. 'She's nice. I learned a little bit more about her', I continue. We walk into the livingroom and sit down on the couch. I nestle myself in Peetas embrace.
'She loves to draw and I wondered if you could teach her some painting tricks', I say. His face lights up. 'Yeah, I would like that', he says. I smile. I knew it.

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