Chapter 35: Intimate

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Katniss P.O.V.

I'm very cold now, so I'm sitting by the fire to warm up a bit. It's summer, and I'm still cold. Peeta gives me a cup hot chocolate and a blanket and sits down next to me. I wrap the blanket around me and drink my chocolate. I look at Peeta. He's just sitting there, with his bare chest.
'Aren't you cold?' I ask. He chuckles and shakes his head. 'No, I'm good, thanks', he says. I smile.

I lay my head on his shoulder and he rubs my back.
Then the talk with Annie slips into my head. About the prom...
'Finnick is gonna ask Annie tonight for prom', I say quietly.
'That's cute, I wouldn't say that that's something for Finnick', Peeta says. I look at the flames. Should I say something now? Or not? I decide to keep quiet.

After a while, I stand up and walk upstairs, I change and crowl under the blankets. Peeta comes in a minute later and lays down next to me. He wraps his strong, muscled arms around me and I pull myself closer to him. I close my eyes and just enjoy the moment.
Just before the sleep catches me, I hear Peeta whisper: 'Goodnight my princess.' I fall asleep with a smile on my face.


The next morning, I wake up with a warm feeling on my chest. I look around me but stiffen when I see where Peetas hand is. I remember he had them around my waist, but now there's one way more up, almost touching my insecure-zone. Almost.
I don't know if he knows what he's doing. I don't think so.

I don't know what to do for a moment. Then I decide to take his hand off me. I pull up his hand and place it on his own leg. I turn around and look up at him. His breathing is still heavy and regularly. He's still asleep.

I stare at him for a while, thinking. I really want to get intimate with him, but I don't know how. I'm not the kind of girl that starts kissing someone and rips off her clothes. I sigh to myself. Why does it have to be so difficult? Why can't it be easier? I just want to get it over with.
'How long have you been staring at me?' I hear suddenly. I look at Peeta. He has his eyes closed, but I know he's awake.
'Does it matter?' I ask. Peeta chuckles. He finally opens his eyes and looks down on me.
'Hey, there, my angel', he says in his sleepy voice. I blush and lean in to kiss him. 'Good morning to you too', I whisper. He smiles and pulls me up to his body. I flip over so I'm sitting on top of him, still kissing him.

I have to catch a breath, so I pull apart. I see that he still has no shirt on, and I can't help but stare at his abs.
'Like the view?' Peeta asks laughing. I blush and nod. I bite my lower lip out of shame.

Peeta P.O.V.

Katniss is still looking at my abs, and she's biting her lip.

Ouch, I find that so attractive, when she bites her lip.

I pull her close to me and kiss her again. My hands sneak around her waist and I start to caress her back. My lips move from her mouth to her cheek, along the jaw, and down to her neck. She starts to moan a little.

Katniss P.O.V.

I start to moan and it's almost inappropriate. But I like it so much. I love the feeling I get from his lips onto my body.
But suddenly he flips me over so I'm laying under him.
'I like to be in control', Peeta says smirking. I laugh a little and he starts his way down my neck again. I wrap my arms tighter around him, feeling his muscles against my arms.
His fingers are playing with the hem of my shirt, but I don't want him to take it off, and he doesn't.

Then Peetas phone rings. He whines and stops kissing me. I have to laugh because of his frustration. He reaches to his phone and sits up.
'Peeta', he says. I push myself up too and try to listen who it is.
'Oh, yeah, okay, sounds good', I hear Peeta say. I wonder who it is.
'Alright, I will', he says and then he hangs up. I frown at him.

'What was that about?' I ask. He smiles. 'It was Finnick. Annie's having a sleepover at her house', he says. I smile. Sleepovers at Annies are always the most fun.

But Peeta bends me over again so he's laying on top of me.
'So, where were we?' he asks, smirking. I laugh. 'I'm sorry, baby, but you have to be at the bakery in just an hour', I say. Peeta sighs. He lays his heavy head on my chest. I smile and run my hands through his ashy blond hair. I allow myself to close my eyes.

After a while I push Peeta off of me, even though I don't really want to, and sit up. He sighs again and gets out of bed. I do the same and grab some clothes out of my closet. Peeta is still in the room.
'Peeta?' I ask. 'Mm?' I hear him answer. 'Would you... Eh... Turn around?' I ask shyly. He looks at me, and when he sees my clothes, he gets the hint. He turns to the window and I get dressed a little hurried. I rush on my pants, but I hit my knee to the bed.
'Ouch', I whine. Peeta chuckles. 'Katniss, relax, I won't turn around', he says. I smile to myself and get dressed, a little bit more relaxed now.

'You're so pretty, do you know that?' Peeta asks when I put on my T-shirt. I startle and quickly look at him, but he's in the exact same position as before.
'You can't even see me', I say chuckling. 'Don't need to', he says quietly. I start to blush immediately and when I'm dressed, I walk upto him and wrap my arms around his waist.
He turns to me and kisses my forehead.
'You're sweet', I say. He smiles and kisses my cheek. 'No, you're sweet', he says. I hug him.

How can anyone love me like that?

I look at the clock. 09:50.
'You have to be at the bakery in ten minutes', I say. He sighs.
'Then I'm gonna go. You're okay?' he asks. I nod. He quickly kisses me and then walks out. I sigh. What am I gonna do now?

Maybe I can go for lunch with Johanna. Or I could stop by at Finnicks. I decide to do that.
I grab my keys and my coat and walk to my car.


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Love, -xxx-

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