Chapter 13: Fight

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Peeta P.O.V.

I walk into the bakery and see my father standing behind the counter.
'Hey dad', I say. He looks up to me. 'Peeta...', he says quietly as he looks at my bruises. 'It's not your fault', I say. He sighs. 'I want to help you', he says.

I walk up to him and hug him. 'I know, she's a monster', I say. He chuckles soft. 'Maybe... Maybe you have to be out fot a while', he says. I look at him. 'What do you mean, dad?' I ask.

'My father has a beachhouse at the edge of the city. Maybe you can live there for a while', he says. My eyes widen.

Me? Living alone? Away from my mother? At the beach?

'I'm in', I say resolute. He smiles at me. 'Go pack your bags, I'll bring you when I'm done here', he says. I nod.

I walk up to the stairs, to my room.

Maybe Katniss can live there too...

Katniss P.O.V.

I'm in my room, waiting for my mother to yell at me.

I hear footsteps on the stairs.

There we go...

'Katniss!' I hear. My door flies open and she stands in front of me. Her eyes stand angry. Very angry.

'What do you think you're doing?' she asks. I hold up my shoulders.

'I don't want to be coupled', I say. She steps forward. 'Mathew is a nice guy, and he's good for the family, I could also choose an asshole', she says. I stand up.

'I don't want it! Our family is good enough with Plutarch!' I yell.

My mother is quiet for a moment. Then she seems to remember something.

'Who's that "boyfriend" you were taking about?' I feel the heat spreading in my face.

I have to tell her about Peeta...

'I'm in love with a boy. He's really nice, and sweet, and funny and he's good to me', I say. 'What's his name?' she asks. 'He's also really smart, and he's going to have a great job', I say.

I really don't want her to know about Peeta. He's mine. I don't want her to ruin it.

'What's his name', she asks threatening. I sigh. 'Peeta', I mumble. She sighs.
'Katniss... Mathew will be so much better for you than that bakers boy', she says.

She's making me mad...

'Mathew has manners, and a good name, and most of all, he has money. Money that will make our lives so much easier', she says. I sigh. Her breath almost reaches my face, so close is she to me. And I don't like it.

'Do you think that Peeta will give you what you need?' she asks.

Okay, now I'm sick of it.

'Yes! I think that he'll give me just what I need. I'm in love with him, and I think that that is the most important thing in a relationship. Not manners, a good name or money. And I don't care about your opinion!' I yell.

'Katniss! I'm your mother! I know what's best for you, and I know that Mathew is best for you!' she yells back. 'No, he's best for you', I say quiet.

My mother stares at me. For I don't know how long.
'That bakers boy is gonna break your heart. Do you really think that a guy like him, will love a girl like you? He's just using you. But don't come cry by me when he dumps you', she says.
Then she walks out of the room.

I sigh. Maybe she's right... Maybe Peeta is using me. He's so hot, and I'm just... Ugly. I mean, I'm not that ugly, but in comparison with Peeta, I'm very ugly...

I sigh again. I want to have Peeta here, to comfort and to kiss me, but after what she said, I'm not so comfortable with that idea.


A shorter chapter this time, I'm sorry.
But what did you guys think of Katniss' mom and Mathew? Let me know!
Love, - xxx -

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